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Show yourself
Warning: mentions of attempted r@pe
This chapter touches in a sensitive topic, is this by any means triggers you please skip.
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A full month has passed, and ignoring Keishin was the least of my worries at the moment.

I've spent most of my time wondering endless thought work and being able to normally function as it is.

One afternoon my coworkers hosted a celebration party. My father along with his work friends tagged along.

We ended up going to a high end sushi bar that he rented out. As my father flaunted his money to his fellow CEO friends, I sat quietly by myself in the corner where I ate the scrap pieces of fish.

I wasn't much of a drinker when it came down to parties, so I found an excuse to leave since it had already gotten late.

"I'm not feeling well, I'll head home for tonight it was an honor to eat with you." I bowed to the business men and made my way out.

I was able to hitch a ride with my father but didn't think I would leave early. The night was cool and the sky was filled with stars.

The scenery was worth enjoying as I walked along the sidewalk, occasionally staring at the sky set ablaze with bright lights.

I suddenly got a text on my phone. Opening it i smiled upon seeing the name.

Hey I got a new movie you might like wanna watch together?"

Sure I'll be on my way.

I smiled and waited for his reply. In the meantime I called for a cab to his place.

When arriving I knocked on his door which he quickly opened seconds after my knock.

"Want something to drink?" He offered as I nodded. He left the living area and returned later with drinks and snacks in hand.

The movie began as I snuggled into the blanket beside him. After taking a sip of my drink my head began to hurt as my vision became blurry. "Are you okay?" He asked as I tried to stand. "M-my h-head it hu-"

Suddenly everything was black as I could feel myself loose balance.


As [name] was passed out on Shimos couch he smirked and picked her up bringing her to his bedroom.

After a while she began to gain consciousness, as she sat up she couldn't recognize where she was. "Oh your awake how are you?" She looked towards the door to see Shimo standing only in his underwear.

"W-what are you doing put clothes on!" She covered her eyes as she felt like burning them after witnessing that image.

"Don't be scared." She could practically hear him smirking as he walked closer to her. "Step ba- mhmm." He bent down over her and forced his lips against hers.

With all her might she pushed him off and stood from the bed. However she was a bit wobbly as her head was still hurting.

"I know you like it." He grabbed her arm and dragged her back to bed. "Stop!" She slapped his face, but he didn't seem to budge. "That hurt you bitch." He forced his lips onto hers again.

W O R T H  I T ~ 𝕌𝕜𝕒𝕚 𝕂𝕖𝕚𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟Where stories live. Discover now