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Encounter not meant to be..
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"I keep seeing her, it's so stupid he doesn't even like her... does he?" [name] paced around her office as Takushi sat on the couch listening to the woman shout out in anger.

The night prior to that morning [name] had ran into the unknown ex again as she wanted to buy some drinks, not like she was going to see Ukai or anything of that sort.

However the woman was there again. Standing behind the counter casually speaking with Ukai as he there reading a magazine, ignoring the mouthy woman beside him.

"She even glared at me as if I was actually there for him!" Her voice began to raise, showing the evident anger.

"Well were you there for him?" Takushi seemed to be interested as he sipped his coffe watching his boss loose her mind over a man.

"N-no I went to buy drinks!" He looked at her with a unconvinced look as she stared back. "Did you leave with a drink?" He asked seeing as he was able to see her real motive. "No." She pouted as she stood there looking at the unimpressed assistant.

He wasn't sure what else to say as he knew she'd be childish at times but nothing of this sort ever happened.

Not that she had never dated but she just was never interested, which was her reason for rarely going out.

Takushi sat there listening to his boss rant her problems as he drank from his cup occasionally shaking his head in disbelief of her stupendous accusations. However her issues weren't the problem at that moment.

As [name] was busy spewing her life issues when she began to notice her audience seemed dismissed to the whole situation as he glanced at his watch every now and then.

"Do you need to leave early?" He looked up to see his boss completely silent waiting for his response. "Keshin's mother has Mao today but I need to pick her up."

[name] looked at him before letting him off early for the night. "I guess I'll go too!" She said as she followed the man down the garage.

Takushi oftentimes took the cab but [name] felt generous, for she had offered to give the man a ride to the store.

When the two arrived they were met with a lovely lady but no Mao. "She went with him?" [name] could hear the muffled voices from outside.

She was currently leaned up against the wall with a cigarette lit, sitting comfortably between her lips.

Looking into the sky she could feel the cool breeze of the fall season. The calm oranges and pinks mixing together creating an aesthetically pleasing look.

The conversation seemed to carry on for a while as she could hear bits and pieces of the story, but none of it matter as another thing caught her attention.

It was two people walking together with their hand intertwined, smiles of bliss and love. 'Gross love' she thought as she scoffed to herself.

She didn't hate love, but she had never had a solid one she could reminisce on. All her ex's were all guys who wanted money or used her for her smarts.

W O R T H  I T ~ 𝕌𝕜𝕒𝕚 𝕂𝕖𝕚𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟Where stories live. Discover now