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Related lover?
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To he honest, you can think of this 'plan' as anything you get creative hehe.

The morning sun has arisen shining brightly through the large window behind [name's] desk.

Aside from being productive she was spinning around on her new office chair, which she received from herself for her birthday.

Her train of thought was interrupted by a knock at the door. She stopped and regained her consciousness before letting the person to enter.

[name's] assistant came into the room with two other people beside him. "The chief of TB Group is here director." He said as the pair emerged from behind him.

"Good morning director." The Chief said as he and his secretary walked in. She greeted back, her cold tone sending shivers down the spine of the pair.

He made his way to the couch, where [name] would follow sitting right across from them. Clearing his throat he avoided eye contact before speaking up again. "Have you gone over the plan?"

"Yes I did, although I do have to say, the lay out is all over the place and unorganized. We will not be able to carry this plan out without proper investments."

He was caught off guard at the unhesitant criticism. "We can't accept this, if you don't have it by tomorrow we'll cancel the plan." He wasn't sure how to answer as he began to sweat from the tension in the room.

A uneasy silence filled the room, as the chief struggled to make a conversation with the Director.

Takushi stood beside her cringing inwardly as he couldn't bear such humiliation.

[name] simply sat there as annoyance filled her mind, an eagerness of wanting to end the meeting.

He had finally spoken up when his secretary nudged him in the arm earning a glare from her senior. "P-please dont cancel the plan, we just need more time and we'll submit it."

[name] sighed as she pinched the bridge of her nose. "You don't have time, are you willing to take the punishment if this fails?" Her eyes were grim, not an ounce of forgiveness was willing to be shared.

She stood from her chair looking at the both of them. "With all due respect Chief, this project was consulted on a month ago, those two weeks I asked for the plan were for the final draft, if you can't keep up with deadlines your position has no value making you just as useless as people in your department."

His eyes widened as he stood with raging eyes. However he surprisingly remained calm. "I-I u-understand, we'll submit it by tomorrow." With that he stepped out with his secretary following in pursuit.

She closed her eyes for a second before sprawling her body over her couch.

"You have more work, no time to rest" Takushi pulled his boss up from her laying position, and practically dragged her to the desk.

An exasperated sigh escaped her mouth as she leaned further into her office chair. "I'm sure they will get it done, now you have to start on yours." He handed her a clipboard. "What would I ever do without you."

"Nothing of you don't stop slouching."

~after work~

"Come now I've received a task."

Takushi looked at you with a weird expression. "We're going to kidnap my brother." He looked at you oddly again.

"Father says he will stay with me for the week, he's having his love affair over and can't let Koushi know."

"Why haven't you told your mother?" He asked you as the two of you rode in the elevator. "They've been divorced but it's more fun saying love affair."

You smiled and crossed your arms in a proud way. "That's not a good thing." Takushi pinched his temples and sighed.

You made it to the car and drove towards the school.

The two of you made it to the school. "It hasn't changed much has it?" Takushi shook his head and admired the scenery.

"Remember when you pants got stuck in the door and your Superman underwear showed?" You pointed at the shed door as you walked past.

It was now fallen in and had yellows tape wrapped around forbidding students from entering.

Takushi glared at you, as you suppressed your laughed with your hand. "You remember the dumbest things."

Making it to the gym you reached over and slid the door open. The screeching sound caught the attention of all the players.

You stepped in and held your arms open. "Kou, my dear I've come to get you." The players eyes widened. One stepped up and pointed at you.

"He have a girlfriend and she's an adult!! Isn't that illegal?!" You looked over to see the shaven haired boy.

That's when you gasped. "Takushi he looks familiar." You whispered, as you pointed at the half naked teenager.

Takushi simply nodded even thought he didn't hear you. "Oh yes I forgot to introduce myself."

You stood from hugging your brother and crossed your arms. "My name is Sugawara [name]. I'm his sister not girlfriend, incest is not my thing."

Meanwhile Koushi and Takushi simultaneously facepalmed, starting at their idiotic [sibling/boss].

The players seemed to understand as they all gathered around and did the same with introducing themselves.

"So your not dating?" Tanaka asked as he and his shorter friend circled around their upperclassman.

"No were siblings." Koushi sighed and turned over to his friend asking for help. "If your not dating does that mean I can date ya? The buzz cut one asked. "Didn't you ask of that was ill-"

"Okay get back to practice!" Sawamura yelled, the boys obeyed and immediately went back.

"I'll be watching impress me!" She said to her brother as she and Takushi walked over to the side lines.

"No but seriously is she single?" Noya asked his upperclassman.

"Noya we can't abandon Kiyoko!" Tanaka scolded.

"Oh right sorry  Sugawara-san, we are loyal to one person! You can't win us over!"

"I-I wasn't planning to...kiddo."

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