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Fallen ill
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~next morning~

You woke up the next morning to see complete darkness.

No type movement you did was helpful in this situation as strong arms held onto you. You looked up to see Keshin sleeping soundly beside you, his arms wrapped around your waist as if you were a crying baby.

You remembered the events from the previous night and blushed remembering that you had slept together.

His grip became loose as he turned over onto his back. His brows were furrowed and his eyes were tightly shut.

At that moment he seemed to relax as his hand held yours, feeling your presence.

He was without a doubt handsome, you subconsciously reached your hand up and caressed his cheek. That moment was the time you realized he was the man you had fallen for.

Looking at home made you smile noticing he had taken his elastic out making his hair fall everywhere. You slid your finger across his face moving his hair.

You quietly sighed and sat up trying not to wake him. However it deemed unsuccessful as he began to sit up.

"Morning [name]." You heart started racing upon hearing his raspy morning voice. Your hand found it's way to your heart as you had troubles detecting whether you l were going to die from being flustered.

He got up and left the room leaving you in your thoughts.

"Are you hungry?" He asked as he momentarily poked his head through the bedroom door. You nodded and got up to head to the living area.

After an hour or two you cleaned up your messes and headed out for the day.

~time skip~

The week felt longer to [name]. She had been working after hours and having many more meetings than usual.

It wasn't a special time of year or anything of that sort. Which confused her as she wouldn't usually stay back at the office unless it was urgent.

She looked at the clock on the wall and sighed as it was finally time to leave.

[name] stood from her desk, but had sit down due to the excruciating pain in her head. For a while now she'd experience major headaches but this time was the worst.

Her stomach began to churn as her throat burned. She felt like throwing up.

Reaching under her desk she pulled the trash can out and spewed all her lunch components into the bin.

She cleaned herself up before grabbing her stuff to leave.

[name] wasn't sure what came over her but the pain kept coming as she struggled to reach for the door.

Soon enough she had blacked out. Meanwhile Takushi was screaming for the Director to wake up.


[name] woke up to see she was in her bedroom. Takushi immediately ran to her side when he saw she had woke.

"Director are you alright?" He paced his hand on her forehead to feel it cooled down. "Yes thank you." He smiled and said she would be alright and excused himself. "I have to go, will you be alright?" She nodded and saw the man out.

After a while she was wandering around aimlessly. She watched television and played a few games she had found in her old study room.

Being alone most of the time wasn't new to [name] but being sick and alone wasn't really the ideal time to be by ones self.

She was reading a few magazines when her door bell rang. [name] stood from her place and walked over to the intercom.

When hearing the voice she immediately allowed the person in. "Ukai-san, why are you here?"

He removed his shoes and handed her a bag of medicine and goods. "Taku told me you were sick and needed to be taken care of."

She got the gist of where the conversation would lead. "I told you before and I'll say it again, you shouldn't be overworking yourself."

Ukai practically scolded as he had one hand on his hip and the other in the air, almost like an overprotective mother.

"Okay mom." She joked as she placed the bag onto the near by table.

"I'm not overworking so don't worry."

There it was her lie, she uses it all the time when she'd loose sleep, or in this case get sick.

Ukai remembered one afternoon on a school day, [name] had stayed back in the student council room to finished the paper work the other reps were supposed to sign.

She was stubborn, but he didn't think she was stupid enough to forget to eat. He found out she skipped lunch when his cousin didn't see her in the cafeteria.

Ukai played detective and basically stalked her for the rest of the day. To the roof where she did her homework, then the library where she helped organize books.

It was a continuous cycle of working and never taking a break. 'She should be getting paid.' He thought as she sat on the faculty room basically teaching another teacher.

"You've been following me all day, do you not care about your education?" Ukai shrugged and sat down beside her in their homeroom.

It was the end of the day and he saw her sitting on the classroom writing something.

[name] finished up what she was doing previously and packed up. The young student intended to leave but was stopped when she fell.

Her head was in pain, and her breath was ragged. "O-oi you okay?" He bent down and tried to help her stand.

Out of nowhere she pushed him back and tried to walk away.

"W-wait where are y-" she turned and stopped him. "I don't need your pity! You don't have to help me, I can do everything myself, do yourself a favor and just leave me'll only get hu-"

[name's] knees weakened as she fell, her vision became dark. The last thing she saw was the boy she yelled at running towards her.

He wasn't effected by her words, he knew she wouldn't mean it...or so he thought.

After rushing her to nurses office she thanked him and ignored him for as long as she could.

[name] felt bad for lying to him. When in fact she was lying to herself.

The next morning he walked to her desk, she looked at him. "Just make sure to take medicine." He dropped the bag onto her desk and walked away.

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