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Evening ruined
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Disclaimer: smoking and drinking will be involved.

[name] was out on a holiday diner celebration with her co workers. She mostly sat and ate cause she wasn't much of a party person to begin with.

After a while of nothing happening [name] excused herself for a smoke break.

The cool air relived her off the suffocating air in the bar as it was quite crowded. She was about to call it a night when suddenly someone had stumbled out the bar.

"H-hey I missed youuu." She turned to see Shimo leaned against the door from of the restaurant with his tie wrapped around his head. "Shimo-san what are you doing?"

She backed up as he stepped closer to her. "L-let's get you home." Stepping aside she waved down a cab and gently pushed the drunken man in. 

Keyword: gently.

She nervously watched as the cab pulled away from the sidewalk hoping he'd get home safely. As the car was out of sight she sighed and walked back in the bar where her co workers were passed out.

One by one she dragged her co workers out and found ways of sending them home.

[name] was the last one to head home for the night after all the drunk workers left. Paying the bill she left the bar and began to walk home.

She wasn't intended on stopping anywhere but as she neared closer towards the convenience store she couldn't resist.

Entering the shop she greeted Keishin and bought a few things just for fun.

"How was your trip." He asked while placing her item in a bag. "Like every other trip boring." He chuckled and handed her the bag. She thanked him and began to walk out.

"[name] wait a second." She turned to see Keishin running towards her. He pushed his hand out offering her a scarf. "It's cold wear it."

At first she declined it but he didn't take no for an answer. He unfolded the scarf and began to wrap it around her neck.

She began to blush as his warm hand made contact with her slightly colder face. Her heart was jumping in circles.

He finished and looked at her once more before blushing himself. Seeing her bundled up in the scarf made him want to kiss her.

However he knew she wouldn't want that. She thanked him and went on her way home.

He stood outside for a little while watching as she walked away.

Meanwhile she was holding onto the scarf that was wrapped around her. The smell of Keishin made her smile as she could feel his touch linger.

'You drive me insane.' They thought simultaneously.

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