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Last part of flash back!
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Disclaimer: abuse and attempted r@pe are mentioned.

In his eyes she was stunning, although she barely spoke he couldn't help but admire her voice whenever she did speak.

It was like music to his ears, he didn't really believe in love at first sight, but when seeing her, he was convinced it was real.

A while had passed and [name] had already headed home. Ukai pulled his cousin aside and whispered to him.

"Is she in our year?" Takushi nodded which made Ukai smile knowing he'd have more chances of seeing her again.

Meanwhile, [name] had just arrived home to face her angry father. "Where were you?!" She stood there in his office with her head down, avoiding eye contact.

"Do you understand how late it is?!" His voice began to raise. She then flinched when he stood from his chair.

"You were out with boys again huh? Are you disobeying me?" She shook her head no.

He didn't seem satisfied as he lifted his hand and smacked her across the cheek. "Haru s-stop don't hurt her." Her mother said as she tried to hold him back.

"Tch get out you worthless slut." [name] bowed and left. When closing the door she could hear her father. "I'm telling you, you should've given birth to a boy, let's hope this next one is successful."

[name] laughed to herself and went up to her room. When first finding out her mother was pregnant again she was happy to finally get another sibling.

But soon learned to feel bad, for them if it was a girl.

Although [name] had good grades, played a good sport, and followed her father footsteps. He was never happy with the results, saying that if she was a male student she would be more successful in the future.

She never understood society and it's obsession with men always being better but knew she couldn't do much to change her father mind.

For years she dealt with the guilt of being a girl. Having breath the same air as father made him hit her. And yet he hasn't killed her yet.

~time skip~

"Hey missy wanna hang?"

[name] was on her way home one evening from school when a bunch of students abruptly stopped her.

Judging by the bright green colored coats they weren't from her school.

"No I must return home immediately." They laughed and neared closer. [name] wasn't going to deal with them so she simply walked away.

The boys a glanced at each before following her. The 'leader' reached forward and grabbed her arm. He then pinned her against the wall of a near by alley way.

"S-stop I have to go." She tried to fight again their touches but they were physically too strong.

As one of the boys undressed her the others held her back. Without the option to scream for help due to the hand covering her mouth. She lifted her leg and kicked the leader in his area.

When he fell to the ground in pain the other took the opportunity to punch her. "You bitch."

The chances of getting in her pants where ignored as they became more focused on getting revenge for their leader.

Her attempts at blocking became useless as she became weaker. Her vision became dark and her clothes were a mess.

"Oi what are you doing?" They two stopped and faced the voice that called out to them. Suddenly [name] could hear the sound of grunting and coughing.

Everything was quite for a moment when the unknown person suddenly picked her up.

"Are you okay?" She nodded but kept her eyes closed, but ended up fainting.

Suddenly she woke up, her surroundings were all dark. From where she sat she could feel she was in a small space.

Reaching forward she grabbed what felt like a door handle and slid it open. In front of her where isles of snacks and drinks.

She was in the storage room of a convenience store? "Your awake how you feeling?" Looking over she could see a familiar boy.

"I'm okay, where am I?" The boy stood and have her a bottle of water. "At my moms store."

She then remembered him from a conversation she had in the past. "Oh thank you Ukai-san."

He smiled and walked away to notify his mother. [name] looked around for a bit when she noticed the clock. It was already past her curfew.

She gasped and quickly ran out the store.

She ran around aimlessly until she found her way home. When entering the house the maid gasped upon seeing their young madam in ripped clothes and bandages.

"Where's father?" Was the first thing she asked. They immediately pointed to his office door where she proceeded to run.

When entering his office, [name] immediately sat on her knees and bowed putting her head to the floor.

"Sorry I'm late father." She could hear his foot steps near. A moment of silence lingered before he kicked her sending her rolling.

From out side the looked doors, the house workers and mother stood praying as the poor child screamed for her life.

After her long punishment she was picked up by a house worker and taken to her room where she treated herself.

Standing in her mirror she traced as the scars and bruises on her body. What had she done to deserve such penalties.

Then she remembered, Ukai.

She hadn't properly thanked him as she suddenly ran out.

What was he think at the moment, did he care for her?

Would anyone care for her?

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