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Familiar face
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After witnessing many events at the boys volleyball practice. [name] found her self returning back whenever she had free time.

Occasionally she'd drag Takushi along even thought he'd decline her offer. It was her way of bragging to him that her brother was the best.

"You've come almost everyday are you planning something?" Her brother asked skeptically leaving a good distance just in case she'd do something weird.

"I can't come to see my brother?" She pouted although it was weird seeing as her eyes held no emotion to it.

He shook his head and walked away. "I'll see you after practice." As he walked away his friends teased him which made him blush.

"I'm sure he means well Sugawara-san, he talks about you a lot." Sawamura reassured as he walked up beside her.

"He talks about me?"

"Yes quite a lot actually he sometimes says that he-"

"Daichi I told you not to tell her!"

Sawamura bid his farewells and left as his silver-haired friend who began to threatened him.

"We have to go Director meeting calls!!" Takushi yelled as he had half his body out the window of the cab.


Upon entering the building my group of men stumbled upon another large group.

The men dressed in black followed an older figure who I figured to be the CEO. My group bowed in his presence and went on our way.

My attempts on avoiding my father in the company deemed useless as he became more active in his mischievous money plays.

Which probably meant he left the company more often to attend meetings. Only reason I know this is cause I'm his daughter, being the child of a strict man bought many advantages to my mental abilities.

And sneaking around was one of them, soon enough I'd probably catch him on the act of selling drugs. Worst of all doing them.

Takushi noticed my pained expression and pulled me along with him dismissing my team. Leaving just me and him.

"Haven't you gotten over what happened in the past?" He asked, he wasn't intending for it to sound rude but he knew what happened then wasn't meant to reflect in the future.

"I have, no need to worry."

~time skip~

"Bad day?" Koushi asked me as I sighed. "No just tired." He smiled like the angel he was and began to warm up ending our small conversation.

Practice, when I was there was normal nothing out of the ordinary aside from Shōyō pissing off Tobio. Which was already recognized as a normal thing.

"Alright wrap it up good job today!" Daichi said as he picked up the stray balls.

"I'm going with Daichi I'll be home tomorrow morning!" I nodded and gave him a hug before walking away on my own.

Nights like these were the best, when the air was cool, not too cold or warm. And the stars covering the sky like a blanket, that I could admire everyday if it was possible.

Usually I would call for Takushi to send a cab but I decided a walk home would be better, although it would take a while it was going to be worth it.

I ventured into a near by store to buy a drink after a long walk that actually only lasted 5 minutes. Walking in flats weren't really ideal.

"Welcome." The cashier chimed from behind his newspaper.

I hummed and continued on for a drink.

"Your total will be 135 yen." I handed him the money. "Is it alright if I sit there?" I pointed towards the small table. The worker nodded, I thanked him and went over to the table.

Quickly sitting down I took off my shoe made began to run my heel. I hissed in pain when I rubbed across the blister forming.

"Are you okay?" The worker asked from afar as he noticed my discomfort. "Yes I just have a blister."

He hummed and stood up and walked to the back. Soon he came back with an aid kit.

Expecting him to hand it to me, instead he bent down and removed my shoes and began to cover it.

"I-I can't do it myself." He insisted which I could deny so i went along. "You should probably wear different shoes for a while."

I nodded, looking down at him he was focused as he tried not to hurt me. I could feel the heat rise in my cheeks as he gently touched my leg.

It was a weird feeling, but it felt so familiar.

'Could it be I've been in this situation before?'

"Thank you sorry for the trouble." He smiled at me. 'Goodness he's attractive.' I thought as my face became red.

"Just be careful." I thanked him again and left on my way home.

'I could have sworn he looked so familiar.'

I thought all the way home.

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