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Take it or leave it...
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"She's my ex girlfriend."

[name] wasn't sure if she was supposed to be surprised or happy.

In that situation all she could do was apologize as she believed they were together seeing as the other lady's previous actions brought her to believe she liked him, in a romantic way that is.

"I'm sorry I didn't know." He chuckled a bit before turning his attention back out towards the window. "It's an old story, she recently contacted me again that's why she was there."

His expression changed when he saw the sympathetic look in her face, the scowl subsided as his features softened into the smile.

"Your food is here!!" Hagima sang as she skipped up to the table gracefully placing the food down. "Enjoy." Were her final words as she sent a wink towards [name] suggesting something that [name] wasn't aware of.

She chuckled at her unchanging attitude, her bubbly but evil side hadn't changed since then.

Turning back to Ukai he seemed to be enjoying is food as he spooned grave amounts into his mouth.

"You have some on your cheek." [name] subconsciously grabbed a napkin and reached forward to wipe his mouth. Realizing the position she had put them in she retracted her hand. "S-sorry it's kinda a habit."

He smiled a bit as he didn't mind. "Thank you."

"You said it was a habit, what do you mean by that?" He asked trying to start a conversation from that awkward moment. "I have a little brother and he was such a messy eater and still is."

She laughed a bit as she covered her mouth, it was a insecurely she had. Well more of a respectful thing she was always told to do.

It became a habit, one that he noticed throughout the dinner when they talked or joked.

Ukai would stare at her, whether it be when she reached for her drink or when she'd dap instead of wipe her mouth.

It was all things that caught his attention, when she'd drop food from her spoon she'd mutter a small apology or when it came to something wrong or missing she never asked for it to be fixed.

He became curious not because of her actions but her thoughts, she wasn't much of a speaker , but when she did she'd stutter or say to many things for one to understand.

He found her cute, feeling his check heat up. Ukai looked down as a faint smiled made way.


"Thank you for dinner, next time let's hang out." Ukai and [name] walked side by side back to the car, as he brought up a new 'date' she looked at him before splitting up to go the other side of the car.

"Next time? Are you suggesting another date?" She smirked slightly as she pulled the jacket off her shoulders. He began to stutter, being caught off guard as he grabbed the coat and got inside the car.

She laughed at him before getting into the car. "Hanging out sounds nice." She said as she pulled out the parking lot.

He smiled at her. 'That's good' he thought as he placed his head against the window looking out at the dark sky filled with bright balls of burning gas.

[name] had driven on the familiar road towards his apartment, pulling into the parking lot she dropped him off.

"Thank you again, bye!" He waved as he grabbed his house keys from his pocket.

She waved and pulled away, heading back to her lovely but lonely home.

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