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"Hey kachaan let's play!" A small boy with fluffy grassy green hair and emerald green eyes shouted. "What do you want to play, Deku" another small boy with ash blond hair and crimson red eyes yelled back. "Let's pretend to be all might!" The boy now identified as Deku shouted. His real name was Izuku Midoryia. Deku was a fun nickname his friend, Katsuki Bakugo, made up for him. "Alright!" Bakugo shouted as he found his all might figurine. Both boys aspired to be like the number one pro hero, all might.

Izuku Midoryia and Katsuki Bakugo are friends, they came up with nicknames for each other. Deku being Izuku Midoryia's nickname and Kachaan being Katsuki Bakugo's nickname. Both the kids are best friends and nothing would change that, not even one of them coming out quirkless and one coming out with an extremely powerful quirk.
Bakugo would usually protect Midoryia from the harsh bullies but sometimes he's late. It wasn't odd for Midoryia to have scraps and bruises all over. At least to him it wasn't...

When Midoryia found out he was quirkless he was very heart broken, he felt as if someone punched his gut but he didn't give up, he was going to be the number one hero no matter what, right... Bakugo felt bad for his best friend when he came out to have a quirk whilst his friend didn't. He didn't hurt Midoryia for it, he helped him knowing how the other kids would be. Izuku being quirkless decided to train his body, he has to be a hero. By the time he was 10 he began intense training Bakugo even offered to train with him. Together they both became physically stronger. The bullies eventually stopped picking on Deku when they found out he was learning self defense. Not to mention Bakugo was getting stronger with him, if they were caught hurting Deku by Bakugo they would be severely hurt.

Bakugo was known as the loud aggressive kid of elementary and middle school, no one dared to mess with him.

Midoryia was more known for being nice and shy but everyone knew he was strong, especially with Bakugo on his side... Midoryia also learned some martial arts and self defense mechanisms. He never used them but it was nice for him to know especially how he plans on being a hero. Deku also had amazing analysis skills, you could mention any hero name and he'd have 5 pages of that hero dedicated in his note book. He knew their fighting style,quirk, weaknesses, everything!

Bakugo found that quite useful for whenever they trained together, they would spar to get stronger. Deku would pick up on Bakugo's mistakes and fix them while Deku picked up on his own mistakes. They were quite undefeatable. By the last year of middle school both of them were a powerhouse of muscle.

Current time.

"Hey kachaan wanna go to the store before we go home? I need to pick something up" Deku said smiling brightly at his friend. The smile was so bright it could rival the sun. "Eh why not" Bakugo replied, being on school grounds Bakugo never liked showing his nice side. The 2 boys walked out of the school building and onto the street ways. Both of their mothers were currently not home they had went grocery shopping together. Deku's dad left him when he was young and his mom,not having any relatives at all lived by herself with her son.

Deku and Bakugo decided to take a short cut down an alleyway.... The sun barley shun through the tiny cracks of the openings. The sky was already starting to get golden,the sun was setting. The alley way was one of 2 stores.

Suddenly an alarm went off inside the building, Bakugo and Deku's mom were both in there. "What's going on??" Deku asked as he and his friend went running out of the alleyway. "Someone's attacking the store besides us we gotta go" Bakugo yelled as his friend ran with him. When they made it out of the alley way they found all might and a couple side kicks at the entrance. "Woah all might!!" Deku geeked out as they both stopped. "Woah..." Bakugo said in awe. All the people were out of the building... Or so they thought. The villains inside were actually keeping 2 women captive... The side kicks surrounded the building preparing for it to collapse when.....

"DETROIT SMASH!" All might screamed as he punched the building causing it to come crashing down. The villain was caught by a boarder side kick....

And the 2 women....

They were found dead... Because of all might...

Deku and Kachaan were unaware their mothers were the 2 women that had died... "It's too bad we can't go the store. All might just smashed it" Deku sighed. "Yeah but that was so cool!" Bakugo said as little explosion busted out of his hand. "Let's go home then" Deku said. They lived across the street from one another so walking home was always easy.

It was getting dark relatively fast they had stayed after school quite late, soon the entrance exam for UA would be coming up 6 months to be exact. The 2 boys ran home in a hurry, racing each other to determine who was fastest. Bakugo had won but only by an inch. "I'll win next time" Deku laughed. "Yeah yeah. See ya tomorrow" Bakugo laughed.

The 2 boys walked inside with gleaming smiles.

That smile soon faded when they couldn't find their mothers inside... "Mom?? Mom where are you?!" Deku shouted. The found a note on the table. "Hey Izuku! I'm going grocery shopping with Mitsuki at ***** see you soon!" Was what the note read.... That was the same store that was destroyed..... Deku turned in the news urgently with tears beginning to well at his eyes. "2 women found dead in the incident that took place 15 minutes ago. Identified as Inko Midoryia and Mitsuki Bakugo. These 2 women were crushed by the building that was destroyed by all might. All might claims he didn't know only assuming that the villains were left inside-" a news reporter spoke before Deku aggressively turned the TV off. Deku began to cry, hot tears streaming down his face, his mother had died by the hand of the person he looked up to the most. Soon there was a knock at the door.

It was Bakugo, he was also angry crying. "All might killed them!  I hate that monster i hate him I hate him" Bakugo yelled as he hit the walls.

The 2 boys cried as they grew to hate all might within the depths of their heart. They wanted revenge. No longer wanting to become the monster all might is they diverged from the hero path. Who knew 1 action could result in huge disaster.

They both swore to take all might down and become something all might wasn't. 

A vigilante


Hey everyone! Thank you for choosing this story to read! Just some things I want to say.

There will be no ships! Everything is platonic. I personally don't ship anyone so I'm putting that in my work! Hope you enjoy the story!

Excuse my grammatical errors 😅

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