The Attack

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With Midoryia and Bakugo
The next day
Day of the attack

Midoryia and Bakugo wore their vigilante outfits under their current outfits. Midoryia carried a satchel that day for the masks. They then went to training.

Time skip

"We are doing a rivalry in the dark. It's gonna be class 1-A vs class 1-B" Aziawa explained. "Yay!" Kaminari cheered. "Not you. The people that failed are getting extra lessons with me. Vlad is controlling this class" Aziawa said as he pulled Kaminari back with his scarf. "Aw man" Kaminari sighed.

The rounds went as they did until....

Smoke filled the air, Midoryia and Bakugo took the hint and went into the forest thick brush. They removed the top lair of casual clothes revealing their vigilante outfits. They put on their hats and mask. Now they could attack as well. Bakugo would have to fight quirkless to not give away his identity, Midoryia simply fought with fire. The poison gas filled the air Midoryia and Bakugo flicked on night vision so they could see better.

They met up with Dabi who was lighting trees on fire. "So what now we're here?" Deku asked. "We're also causing some havoc. Go have fun" Dabi smirked. Bakugo and Deku both had a devious look on their face that wasn't visible due to the mask. They then ran off to cause some trouble. Midoryia lit trees on fire trapping the people on the inside. Midoryia ran up to Todoroki who he hated. "Have you seen a Bakugo?" Bakugo said in a made up voice he was following Midoryia. "What do you want with him?!" Todoroki spat. "Hehehe. Nothing you need to know" Midoryia said as he swung a punch at Todoroki. It hit his chest causing him to topple back a bit. Bakugo jumped up and kicked him hard. Todoroki ended up passing out with the 2 hard hits. "That was anticlimactic" Midoryia sighed. "Yeah what a bummer" Bakugo spat.

The 2 then ran around the forest, splitting up. Midoryia went to the hedge thing where he found Kota facing muscular. "Now now muscular. He's a kid. Let him run away in fear" Midoryia said. "Tsk, Mystery what are you doing saving a kid?" Muscular asked. They refer to each other in code names not by real, when it's a mission. "I'm a vigilante. I kill villains and kill fake heros. I don't kill the league since they helped, I'm not gonna kill you but I will tell you to leave the kid alone. Go kidnap Bakugo" Midoryia said. Kota sat in pure fear, he knew this day was coming why didn't he do anything.

"Tsk fine. I'll go kidnap Bakugo" muscular said as he jumped off. "... What what are you going to do with me..." Kota asked in fear. "Heh you? I'm leaving you up here. I'm pretty sure you already know who I am. Tell anyone and I'll get that muscular guy back on you" Midoryia said glaring at him through the mask. "O-o-ok..." Kota said. Midoryia then flew off using telekinesis he put fire near his arms to make it look like he was using the fire to fly to not raise suspicions. Midoryia landed back in the Forest were he came across Aziawa....

"You! Your the infamous mystery!" Aziawa spat. There was a single image online of what his mask looked like. "Well done Aziawa" Midoryia said in a completely different voice. "I won't let you harm my students!" Aziawa spat. "Oh we're not here for harming them. But I wonder if your going to be able to save all of them in the end" Midoryia laughed. "Wha-what do you mean??" Aziawa spat. "Good luck finding the top 2 of the class~" Midoryia laughed as he disappeared into the darkness if the forest. "They're after Bakugo and Midoryia?!" Aziawa spat in realization.

"Let's put this freak show to an end" Dabi smirked. Midoryia and Bakugo came by and were then compressed by compress. Shoji and Tokoyami ran in right after they were compressed. "It seems our mission is complete. Good luck ever getting your class mates back" compress said as a portal opened up behind him. "No!!!" Tokoyami spat but it was too late.

Bakugo and Midoryia were "kidnapped". Portals opened up all around saving the other villains, the job was done.

A couple students were injured,some Poisoned by the gas,some with broken limbs. The news of the 2 being taken spread rapidly across the media as ambulances came to take the injured kids away.

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