The Meeting

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Its Sunday
The 4 had decoded the books on Saturday.

The 4 had to have the meeting on a Sunday morning cause hawks had another shift and endeavor was still busy.

"Have any of you guys got a clue?" Endeavor asked. "Well if you put all the books together and the clues Midoryia is saying something big is going to happen with the league and he's trying to warn us. But isn't he working with the league?" Hawks said as he looked at everything they had written. "I think it's more than just something big. Midoryia is claiming that the leader of the league, Shigaraki, plans to control the world. Because of this a lot of people will die and lose quirks? He wants to meet up at Hosu to discuss further." Aziawa added. "Hmm. I mean Midoryia is a vigilante, that could explain as to why he's trying to stop shigaraki. He may be twisted in the head for killing people but from what I see he has a proper reason. Doesn't excuse the murder. Maybe he doesn't agree with what Shigaraki is doing so he's trying to stop him?" Todoroki blurted out. "You actually might be onto something. Your right Midoryia IS a vigilante. He's on the in-between of being a hero and Villain. Also knowing he's a vigilante chances are he wouldn't attack us, he's trying to get help but subtly. Maybe he was worried about someone from the league finding out he's betraying them so he sent clues in books " Hawks said. "I say we give him the meeting. Chances are if anything were to happen we could fight back" Aziawa added. "I mean maybe nothing will happen because I doubt we'd be able to take him on" Todoroki said. "If your worried about his quirk, I can nullify it. 4 vs 1, he has no chance without a quirk" Aziawa added. "Oh right. Alright then let's call" Todoroki said pulling out his phone.


Midoryia and Bakugo were sound asleep until Midoryia's phone began to buzz like crazy. Midoryia woke up in panic and answered the phone. "*Yawn* hello?" Midoryia said scratching his head as he got up. "Look. Your the last person I want to talk to but we got the books. We figured it out. Where exactly do you want to meet" Todoroki spat into his phone. "Finally you guys figured it out. It's better we do this today the longer we wait the more something bad happens ok. Meet me at 12:00pm sharp. Meet at Hosu ******* alleyway of that building" Midoryia said still sleepy. "What do you mean something bad happens?" Todoroki asked. "I can't explain right now. Look I don't plan on hurting any of you. Something bad is coming and I'm trying to prevent it." Midoryia said into the phone. "Tch fine. We'll see you at 12" Todoroki said ending the call. Midoryia looked at the clock..
It was 9:07am.
"That's in like 3 hours I can get 1 more hour of sleep in" Midoryia muttered to himself as he drifted off into sleep.

2 hours later. Midoryia woke up in a panic he over slept again. Now he only had a couple minutes to get ready and catch the train. He woke up Bakugo and they quickly got dressed and ready. Midoryia stopped time so that he could take his time and not miss the train. Midoryia and Bakugo ate breakfast and were out. Jt was strange to Bakugo how everything was so quiet and still. Like cars were in the middle of roads people were standing completely still in a walking motion it was cool and scary.

Midoryia unfroze time once they made it to the station, they were in disguises. Soon the train came roaring through it was kind of crowded but they managed.

Once they finally made it to Hosu they found the alleyway of the building they mentioned and waited. They were earlier than the other 4.  Soon they heard familiar voices after 10 minutes of waiting. Aziawa was the first to walk through then followed the other 3.

"Okay we came. Now what exactly is going on?" Aziawa asked as he was keeping his guard up. "I need you 4 to take us to the UA meetings. The only issue is you guys can't allow me to get arrested" Midoryia said. "And why shouldn't you get arrested?" Endeavor spat. "Cause if I do she'll get hurt" Midoryia said through gritted teeth. "Who is she?" Hawks asked. "I'll tell you what I currently know Alright. Shigaraki is planning on having a mass murder to take over countries. He's power hungry. I obviously can't have that happening, I may have liked people but everything I did was for justice. This goes against my rules. Anyways he's working with the Yakoza,a Gang. They're making drugs out of a little girl, it gets rid of quirks. If we don't do anything.... Not only will the little girl keep getting hurt the world will go to hell" Midoryia explained.

"But aren't you working with them? I don't see why you would pass up an opportunity for power" Hawks asked. "Look we may have killed all might and people but every murder wasn't for guys didnt do the research on those I killed. All might killed my mother and his. Not to mention he has more than just one accident where he has killed people. All the other heros I killed also were messed up people. They covered it up really well but not from me, they killed for the fun of it. The villains I killed are for obvious reasons. I don't do what I do for power. I do what I do to get rid of the bad people of this world since no one else will." Midoryia explained.

"That doesn't excuse murder but whatever. so what your saying we need to help you take them down? Wouldn't that be assisted murder that's also illegal" Todoroki asked. "Well. It's either he dies or half the world does. Not to mention governments will go to hell when he's in control. Think about it. Are you willing to risk all those deaths?"  Bakugo spat. "Can't we just lock him up in tartarus?" Todoroki asked. "And you think the villains won't work someway to break him out? The LOV is far bigger than you think. Look you can try to arrest him but in the end we're killing him, not you" Midoryia spat. "Tch.... Fine we'll help. But you have to promise information and that you won't attack us" Aziawa sighed. "Hah easy. Anyways here's the plan I had in mind.

So me and Kachaan will continue to stay at the base of the Yakoza. Slowly we'll figure out how he's making the drugs and how to save Eri. We don't know his quirk which is dangerous. While we stay under cover we meet with all the pro heros that you guys think will be good for the operation. We'll give you all information. The girl is the key to this all. Without her then they can't make the drugs and shigaraki won't be able to stop people from fighting back. When it's the day of the attack... I will be giving the girl to you. You have to protect her at all costs.

She's mentally traumatized don't let her run off she'll return right back to her abuser thinking she's going to save everyone that way. Me and Kachaan will help out during the fight while the other lot of you steal the drugs.

All of this is only step 1 into defeating Shigaraki. Chances are the word would spread that we are helping out the heros and shigaraki will find out. It's completely fine because as far as I know I'm stronger than he is" Midoryia explained.

"That's a lot to take in but we understand. We'll talk with the principal and see if we can figure something out for you 2" Aziawa said. Endeavor only gave the 2 hard glares the entire time.

"Don't think we forgave you 2 for killing all might and betraying us. We're only doing this to save the world like heros should. Got it?" Endeavor spat. "Oh we know endeavor. give me a text when you guys get the green light from the principal and officers. The same day I'll pop into UA with Kachaan" Midoryia replied. "We will. This is our only truce." Hawks said through gritted teeth. He didn't like the 2 vigilantes as killing is never to be excused no matter the excuse/reason/cause.

"Like I said. We understand" Midoryia spat. The 4 heros then left and Midoryia and Bakugo got into disguise again. They returned back to the base of the Yakoza where they heard Eri sobbing In her room...

The rules flashed back into Midoryia's mind. "As if I'm going to listen to those stupid rules" Midoryia thought to himself as he paused time. He unpaused Bakugo. "Eri is crying" Midoryia said. "I'm assuming you want to comfort her, you've paused time" Bakugo asked. "Yeah" Midoryia replied. The 2 then went into Eri's room and unpaused her. She shrieked out of fear as to her they just teleported Infront of her. "Eri are you okay" Midoryia asked. "No... It hurts. So much." Eri cried. "We told the heros. Your gonna get out of this place soon. Don't tell him got it" Midoryia smiled. "Really....?" Eri asked with slight hope. "Yes. You're going to get saved and have a better life" Midoryia replied.

Eri stopped crying, her pearly red eyes shined at the tears that were still left. Hope had filled her mind. Maybe she will finally get out of that hell hole...

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