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Smoke filled the air of the dormitories. Everyone was sound asleep all cozy in bed. Who would've thought that would be the last night they're ever all together. Midoryia was sound asleep not a peep could be heard from him. A familiar blue flame filled the main floor of the dorms. Everyone was trapped...

Tokoyami was the first to wake up, Dark shadow was able to smell the flames. "Whats wrong dark shadow?" Tokoyami spat annoyed. "Fire" was all dark shadow could say before he was shut in. Tokoyami sniffed the air, it was thick with smoke now that he concentrated. He ran out of his dorm room and who did he find? Dabi waiting right there. He screamed but was soon attacked. He ran downstairs where more flames were.usinf dark shadow despite what dark shadow wanted, Tokoyami jumped through the window causing it to sound the alarm. He then ran into the woods where he would be most safe.

Midoryia woke up at the sound of the alarm and quickly paused time. "What's going on" Midoryia thought to himself panicked. He floated outside of his dorm room only to find Dabi about to roast the face of a panicked Ojirou. "They're attacking?!" Midoryia screamed. He ran downstairs where he found the entire place engulfed in blue flames.  He grabbed all his classmates in the dorm room with telekinesis and got them outside m Tokoyami was no where to be found,the girls were all missing, Ojirou had a burned tail,  and shoji was also missing.

Midoryia unpaused Bakugo who was still asleep. He fell to the ground and woke up confused. "What am I doing out here?!" Bakugo yelled. "Kachaan, Dabi's attacking the dorms. The girls are completely missing as well as 2 boys. There's no way to put out the flames as of right now" Midoryia yelled. "Crap" Bakugo muttered."I can restrain Dabi and the flames from further damage but I don't know if there are any other villains with him" Midoryia said. He was under so much stress he didn't realize he was standing straight up on the cold ground.

"I'll call the fire department you can try that" Bakugo said reaching for his phone. Midoryia nodded and ran inside to where Dabi was. He grabbed him using telekinesis and unpaused time. The dorms began to get really hot. Midoryia paused Dabi who was viciously trying to break out. Once he was restrained Midoryia paused the flames. He sighed in relief as the heat began to die down.

Midoryia took Dabi outside using telekinesis. "You frickin jerk" Bakugo said slapping Dabi across the face. It wasn't long til the fire department showed up and put out the paused flames. The building had some really bad damage done. They took Dabi away and arrested him, Midoryia knee that wasn't the last time he'd be hearing about him...

Because what happened was a crime scene no one was allowed back into the dorms. Midoryia improvised and brought out his entire bed from the balcony using telekinesis and went back to sleep. He couldn't deal with the problems right now. The rest of the boys stared at him in disbelief, sleep at a time like this??  Bakugo envied Midoryia, he too was very tired but the sudden adrenaline rush of fear was keeping him awake. Police arrived at the scene and began to investigate the cause,the news hadn't spread that Midoryia and Bakugo were being targeted. The police looked for the missing students and we're surprised to find all the girls, huddled inside each of their own safety bubbles. Yaomomo had made them in the spur of the moment as they were all having a little sleep over. Shoji was found in the bathroom. Tokoyami was no where to be seen...

It wasn't long til the police concluded him as missing.


Earlier when Tokoyami ran into the forest.

Tokoyami ran because his life depended on it, it wasn't "like" his life depended on it. His life really depended on it. Upon running into the forest he was suddenly shot with something and restrained. He's gone...


The police were abruptly surprised to find Midoryia sleeping. Out of anyone they would've thought he was the one looking but that wasn't the case. Sleep came first for Midoryia, everything else was second. "Let him sleep. Chances are he'll be ticked off and not answer if your force him up" Bakugo said in his friend's defense. He knew how Midoryia is when he's waken up out of no where ... "We can't uh, do that." The police officer said. "Well your going to have to. You'll be wasting time" Bakugo spat. "Kid we have to do our job" the officer said beginning to wake up Midoryia.

"What do you want??!" Midoryia spat. "We have to ask you some questions-" the police officer was cut off by Midoryia. "You can ask them tomorrow good bye" Midoryia said falling right back asleep. "Uh si-" the police officers were paused. Midoryia then continued to sleep, it was 3:00am. Bakugo chuckled before he laid down on the ground and fell asleep. It was very cold at night, Midoryia noticed this and woke up because of it. Since his fire can't spread he made a ring of fire around all of them. Distanced enough that no one gets burned or overheated but close enough to keep everyone warm.

The next morning.

Everyone began to wake up once the sun hit their eyes directly. Midoryia was probably the only one with the most comfortable sleep that night. The class woke up utterly sore. Tokoyami was still missing...

Midoryia's happiness didn't last too long because....

Boom his back was even worse. He walked on it yesterday because of the fear coursing through him he didn't know. The officers were still paused and looking at Midoryia. Midoryia stretched to his best abilities and sat up. Bakugo just stared at the ground vacantly as well as the rest of the class. The girls weren't anywhere to be seen in Midoryia vision. They were sleeping elsewhere. Midoryia turned off the fire and unpaused the officers. "Ir we need to ask you questions" the cop continued his sentence from earlier not realizing he'd been paused. "How is it day time?" Another cop said. "He paused you, idiots." Bakugo scoffed. "Anyways. I'm awake now so ask away" Midoryia said.

"We're going to take you all to the station. We believe that there's a potential villain in the area. Some of your class is already there" the officer said. "Whatever" Midoryia floated up and followed them to their car. There were multiple police cars to escort the  remaining class. The girls were already at the station since they weren't outside they had to take them to the hospital to check for any severe damage done internally or externally.

Once everyone was there Aziawa came. He did roll call.


Tokoyami was missing.

"Has anyone seen Tokoyami?"

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