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"Has anyone seen Tokoyami?"
There was a silence after Aziawa asked. He wasn't there, where would he be? "Anyone?" Aziawa asked again. "Sir I only saw him run outside into the forest" Shoji said. His window was towards the forest and he noticed a little bird headed person run into the forest when the alarm sounded. "So he's back at UA. Alright I'll go search for him" Aziawa groaned. "Mr.aziawa no wait. If Dabi attacked he wasnt alone. Chances are Tokoyami was kidnapped." Midoryia spoke up. "How exactly do you know this?" An officer asked. "Look I may have only known Dabi for a couple months but I know how he acts, he definitely wasn't alone yesterday. If Tokoyami was the first person to run out then he's gone" Midoryia added. "We still have to check, maybe he got away?" Aziawa said. "Fine but don't be disappointed when you don't find him" Midoryia sighed.

"Kid your back looks very off are you good?" An officer asked. "No yesterday a ran on it despite it being sprained I couldn't feel the pain then but I feel it now. I'm supporting my back with my quirk" Midoryia replied. He had paused his spine in correct position to refrain from more damage but it hurt. "Couldn't recovery girl have healed you?" Officer asked again. "She had to tend to someone over seas." Midoryia replied. "Oh".


Aziawa left to go find Tokoyami he was worried about him. He found scratch marks and a broken tree. It was dark shadows marks... He looked around and then came across blood. Quite an amount of it too. "Crap" Aziawa spat. He drove back to the station in a hurry. "Midoryia was right! He's been kidnapped. I discovered a puddle of blood in the Forest" Aziawa spat. Everyone looked at Midoryia in shock, how did he know.

"How exactly do you just guess these things?" Kirishima asked. "It was relatively obvious. Tokoyami would have come out once he saw the sirens. Dabi doesn't work alone. 2 puzzle pieces that fit perfectly. He was kidnapped." Midoryia replied. Midoryia was very calm about the situation. How were they going to rescue Tokoyami and Eri? "Since you seem to know so much how exactly are you going to rescue your classmate?" A detective asked. "It's really simple. Me and Kachaan already know where they're hiding him. We can claim that we were lying to you all and playing it undercover and they'll let us in. Once we're in I pause all of them and take Tokoyami. Easy" Midoryia scoffed. "Easier said than done." The detective smirked.

"Who's kachaan?" An officer asked. "Tch me." Bakugo replied. "Oh your nicknames." The officer sighed. "Anyways. May I ask Dabi some questions?" Midoryia asked getting up. "We can't." The officer said. "Dang I guess I'll just never unpause him. That's sad" Midoryia smirked. "We need you to inpaus him though, we have to ask questions" the officer rebuttaled. "That's too bad. I have questions of my own that I want answered" Midoryia began to float up higher. "Kid. Your going to have to cooperate" the officer said in a bit of a rude tone.

"Then you'll also have to cooperate" Midoryia replied in the same tone as him. "Tch. Kid unpause him" the officer said. "Adult, let me talk to him" Midoryia snapped. It was a back and fourth argument."this is getting no where. Let the kid ask him his questions,maybe he'll get better info out" the detective spat. "Tch fine. Kid follow me" the officer angrily sighed. Midoryia smirked knowing he got his way and followed the officer. It led to a cemented room,no windows and a metal door. Dabi was chained to a chair but paused. He had no idea what was going on because he isn't in real time. Midoryia unpaused him once the officers left the outside of the door. The chains were quirk nullifiers so he can't use his quirk.

"What am I doing here??" Dabi spat looking around the room. Midoryia had a smug look on his face. "Now now Dabi. It looks like you tired to kill me and Kachaan. I can spare your life under 1 condition" Midoryia was playing a manipulation game. Dabi doesn't know where he is so Midoryia is tricking him into thinking this isn't the police station. "Where am I??" Dabi spat. "In my Lair. No one knows where you are. It's only you and me. Now if I were to kill you, no one would no. And no one would care. You might as well give me some information before I shoot off your legs" Midoryia said pulling out a gun.

"Where did he get the gun?!" A police officer shouted, they were watching from the cameras. Midoryia had pick pocketed out of one of the police officers pockets as they were walking here.

Dabi's face was pale. His plan had failed. Now he was under captivity. "I'm not telling you crap" Dabi spat. "I mean, you might want to begin speaking. This gun is loaded and you know how fast my patience runs thin" Midoryia said with a smile that held a murderous intent. It made Dabi's blood run cold. Midoryia, after the cops had left, paused the door shut. Nothing can open that...

"I'm still Telling you nothing" Dabi spat. Midoryia picked up on his hint of fear and used it to his own will. Midoryia crept closer to Dabi who was beginning to sweat. Midoryia knew that Dabi's quirk wasn't well suited for him considering all the 3rd degree burns and stapled skin that littered his body. He lit a little flame Infront of Dabi, in the air. "You see I have better control of my flames compared to you thanks to my mother's quirk. You don't have that control, it's only direction control but other than that the fire doesn't have any control" Midoryia began to speak. "Your flames also, hurt your body. Even though your flames are hotter than mine considering it's blue and mine are red, fire is still hot. I could do easily give you a slow painful death with my flames" Midoryia put on a psychotic look. "Now Dabi. Give me some information and I won't" Midoryia said placing the gun next to his head.

Dabi's face was glowing Red from the embers in the air due to Midoryia. He was sweating out of fear. "I-i won't tell you anything" Dabi spat again. Midoryia made a smaller flame and put it directly on his arm. He screamed due to his hit the flame was and Midoryia stopped it. "Information means no torture necessary. So I'd recommend you cooperate and give me the information" Midoryia said as he made the flame Infront of Dabi bigger. Midoryia was simultaneously using both of his quirks at the same time. He was floating, keeping the door paused, and making a flame. It was going to hurt later if he didn't cut back now. Dabi gulped air out of fear.

"Now I'll ask my first question. Who else was with you?" Midoryia asked as he floated away from Dabi. He kept the gun near his head using telekinesis. "N-no one" Dabi lied. "You know I can pick up on lies without a lie detector quirk. Now don't lie unless you want to be burned again." Midoryia asked again. "Spinner. Spinner was with me" Dabi spat out. "True. Good your cooperating" Midoryia smirked.

"Next question.  Where would Tokoyami be as of right now?" Midoryia asked. He wanted to double check his suspicion. "At base" Dabi answered Vaguely. "Yes now where is the base?" Midoryia asked making a little fire appear next to his face too close for comfort.

The officers watched in horror and astonishment.

"...the same base that we hid at after the heros discovered our other base" Dabi spoke in fear. "True. Good. Who is shigaraki working with. Everyone" Midoryia asked. "Overhaul" Dabi answered. "Now is that everyone?" Midoryia asked. "Y-yes". "False." Midoryia burned him a bit. "Fine! He's working with some doctor so he could ensure his body is ready for AFO's quirk" Dabi screamed. The fire died down. "Hmm. What does shigaraki plan to do first after getting his new quirk?" Midoryia asked. "He plans to attack the capital in hopes of being able to take over the government." Dabi spat. The fire pain was unbearable especially when it was on top of another unhealed burn. "Hmm. How far a long is he with receiving the power" Midoryia asked. "40%". " Tell the Truth". "....76% along the way" Dabi replied sorrowfully. He knew when shigaraki would break him out that if he found out what he told Midoryia he'd be nothing but dust.

"Hmm. I have enough information. Your free. Oh yeah and by the way, this isn't my lair it's the police station not to mention the gun is unloaded" Midoryia laughed removing the unloaded gun from his head. Dabi's face was full of rage. "Anyways. I'll see you never" Midoryia smirked as he left the room.

Officers watched in utter fear, how did the little boy scare the 20 year old villain so much that he fessed up??

The officers ran down to Midoryia once the doors were unpaused and took the gun away from him. They walked back to the office where the class was sitting. Only one missing was Tokoyami. "I have received great information. We're going to have to speed up the plan" Midoryia said aloud. Aziawa had a face of rage like, you told them?!, Kind of face.

It wouldn't be long until both Tokoyami and Eri were in safe hands of UA.

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