Information thieft

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With Midoryia and Bakugo
3rd person POV

The 2 boys went home and showered. They had a mission to break into UA and retrieve a bunch of information for the league. It wasn't too difficult but security is super high for UA.

They prepared themselves, Deku got into his disguise. While he was referred to the public as the Mystery his actual villain name was Deku. It's the name he would refer to himself as whenever he did vigilante villain stuff. Bakugo's name was still zero either or.

Deku's costume consisted of black steal sneakers with a compartment for weapons, a black shirt accompanied by a vest that held a couple other weapons. And black pants. He was had  a mask for his face, he couldn't risk anyone recognizing him. For his hair he put it all into a hat. The mask was also support gear, it provided night vision as well as a way to breathe if oxygen is too low. It was a black mask with some green stripes coming down from the eyes that stopped at the top of the nose. That helped with night vision.

Bakugo also wore all black like Deku and also had a mask. His mask was different, it had orange instead of green stripes.

Once they were ready they met up outside in the backyard of Deku's house. It was late at night maybe 12:00am. Whenever they did late missions like these Midoryia would freeze time to get some extra hours of sleep. He would also do the same for Bakugo. It was definitely helpful.

They began their mission. They had to creep through alleyways to not get caught on cameras. All they had to do was retrieve information and give it to the league.

Soon they made it to UA. Midoryia activated time. Time then stopped. He unfroze Bakugo and they continued. The guards that were there were now useless as they couldn't move. The cameras also can't work now. The entire building was now insecure. Now how do they pass the gates?

Bakugo exploded his way up and out of the gates away. Midoryia grabbed a couple rocks and threw them against the wall. Once contact was made he froze them. He then climbed the rocks like a ladder. They were now on the other side of the school. "Heh step 1 accomplished" Bakugo smirked. Now the question is how they would get inside. They needed keys to do that. "Hmm it's not gonna open unless we got the keys." Bakugo said. "Don't the officers all have keys. Let's take one of their keys!" Midoryia said as he found a guard frozen. "Oh yeah!" He said. They then ran up to the guard and took the keys. The figured out which key it was and viola.

They were inside. Deku and Bakugo creeped around the building until they found the principal's office. This place had all the files of information. Quickly the turned the computer on and plugged in a drive to steal the information. Luckily the drive would take the information while leaving s copy of it so it would look like nothing ever happened. Deku and Bakugo made sure they were wearing gloves for the entire operation. Just to be safe they checked the cameras. They weren't working because of the time freeze. They laughed as they waved to the camera that couldn't pick up on them. It was like they were invisible.

After they took the information they turned the computer off and left everything exactly as they found it. Then they left the building returned the keys to the guard locked UA flew out removed the rock ladder. Mission success. It looked like they hadn't done anything.

They then both ran away super far before Midoryia unfroze time. They called Kurogiri and he opened them a portal.

"Great job you 2. You exceed my expectations every day. With this information we can properly plan out our attack! Soon all might will be dead!" All for one said. "I'll have to admit the way you guys coordinate is amazing." Kurogiri said. While it may seem Bakugo did nothing he actually did more than you think.

He's more important than you think, while he may have done nothing on this mission on other missions he does just as much work as Deku. He even supports Deku when he accidentally makes a mistake and it about to get hurt. They are a power duo.

"Hey look it seems like tomorrow you guys are going to the USJ. We have a nomu prepared. As a heads up we're going to be attacking tomorrow. Be prepared" All for one said. "Alright can't wait. See ya" Deku said as he exited the base. Bakugo followed behind. They were exhausted, missions at night always give them a hard time but it's always thrilling. They went home.

"Alright since we need extra hours of sleep I'll be freezing time. Unfreezing you. And then we can sleep until we're fully energized" Deku offered as his eyes were getting foldy. "Great idea" Bakugo said between yawns. Deku then froze time and unfroze Bakugo. "I'll text you when I unfreeze time" Midoryia said as he headed inside. "Good night"  Bakugo said. "Night" Midoryia replied. Because they froze time, time wouldn't continue meaning. It would be dark when they woke up again. That is why Deku will sleep for 5 hours. Wake up unfreeze time and then sleep again totaling 8 hours of sleep. It was like 3:00am and they needed to be awake by 6. They would not be able to run on 3 hours.

Deku unfroze his phone and set an alarm. "Wake me up after 5 hours" he told the phone as he crashed into sleep.

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