Late bloomer+internship

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With Midoryia

Midoryia didn't know it but he was in a dream. His arm and body began to glow in the dream. It was so odd. Midoryia held out his arm in the space he was randomly suspended in.

Suddenly the air lit on fire. He woke up startled. He accidentally froze time in the middle of his sleep. The clock wouldn't change for 10 minutes. But it was definitely day time. Midoryia looked at his arm it was glowing but then stopped. "What was that?" He mumbled. He held his arm out like he did in his dream and focused on his watch. It floated to him. "Did I manifest my mother's quirk? Really?! Dang I'm late" Midoryia mumbled. The watch then combusted into flames which freaked Midoryia out. He froze the fire in time.

"I must've gotten a combination of my mother and fathers quirk. Dang my body is late. I'll tell kachaan" Midoryia mubeled to himself. He tested it out again in denial. Those time his phone floated over to him but didn't combust into flames. He got up excitedly and took a shower. He went to the kitchen to try something out.

He got a random apple and put it on the counter across the room. He then focused on it with the word fire in his mind and it combusted into flames. He then unfocused and the flames disappeared. He then brought the apple to him using his mother's quirk.

"This is so cool!" Midoryia was excited. He ran over to Bakugo's house and knocked. Bakugo annoyed, opened the door. "What do you want Deku? It's like 5:39am." He asked. "I developed a quirk!" He chirped as he stepped into his best friend's house. "What???? How is that possible?!" Bakugo asked confused. "I don't know I had a weird dream where I was in space. The air randomly lit if fire when I stuck my hand out. It startled me. Look" Midoryia said. He then opened the door to the outside. Bakugo had grass on his lawn.

"Show me" Bakugo asked. "That's what I'm trying to do wait" Midoryia said as he focused. The grass was then teared off the ground. "That's not the only thing" Midoryia said as he saw his friends shocked face. He then made it combust into flames. "What??? That's crazy?! It's like a combination of your mother and fathers quirk. How did it come in so late though?" Bakugo said.

"I don't even know. But this will give me one hell of an advantage" Midoryia exclaimed. "Heck yeah" Bakugo replied. Because they were already up early they got ready and went to school. Midoryia tested the quirk out on his self and floated to school. The flames would occasionally appear they would burn Midoryia but since it was quick it wasn't too long.

"Hey kachaan. I'll be keeping the fire part a secret since I don't have en excuse for it. Don't tell anyone" Midoryia said as he landed besides his friend. "Oh okay then. What's gonna be your excuse?" Bakugo asked. "I'll just say I can control the things I pause and I didn't find out until recently. The fire wouldn't have an explsinabl reason and they'd eventually figure out I have 2 quirks. Then they would start doubting the fake trust I built" Midoryia replied. "We're still telling the league right?" Bakugo asked. "Yes yes of course." Midoryia replied.

The 2 continued to school and eventually made it there. They were really early, like 8:00am kind of early. Class wouldn't start for another 30 minutes. "Where's Iida gets usually early?" Midoryia asked. There was maybe 1 more student there other than Bakugo. "I heard he had a family emergency." A boy with 6 arms said. It was Shoji."that's sad. What happened?" Midoryia said putting on a facade. "I'm not sure but I heard his brother got attacked by hero killer, stain. He's been appearing more recently" Shoji replied. Midoryia and Bakugo gasped.

The league had asked them to recruit stain the other night but they couldn't find him. "That's horrible." Midoryia said. He couldn't care less for Iida's brother.  "Yeah".

Soon Iida walked into the room with some bags under his eyes. He looked bad. "You good? We heard what happened?" Midoryia asked. "I'm fine. Thank you for your concern" Iida replied.

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