Plan leakage

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With Midoryia and Bakugo

Shinsou came up to them. He sat down and looked them right in the eyes to which they were highly uncomfortable as they were eating. "Do you need something?" Midoryia said with a stuffed mouth. "What are you 2 doing here?" Shinsou spat. He glared heavily at the 2. "We-" Midoryia was caught in mind control. "Why are you actually here?" Shinsou asked again. "We are here to help Aziawa and the heros save a little girl so that quirk destroying drugs ca-" Midoryia was smacked on the back of his head by Bakugo. "Thanks Kachaan. Shinsou you can't force answers out like that Aziawa wanted to keep some part secret. But now you know why im here, see I'm not trying to kill anyone. Now spread the word" Midoryia spat. "Tch. Can't believe that you 2 are actually here to help" shinsou mumbled as he walked away.

"Did you get the answers?" Tokoyami asked shinsou. "I got a part of it. They aren't here to hurt anyone, they really came to just help. Something about a girl" shinsou spat. "What?! The 2 are actually here to help?" Tokoyami asked confused. "It seems so. That's what he said under my mind control until Bakugo stopped him from over sharing all the information Aziawa wanted to keep a secret" shinsou spat as he continued to walk away.

Tokoyami told Sato who told Ojirou who told kiri who told the table. The girls over heard and then told each other.

The class was now super confused as to why Midoryia, a vigilante, is here to help heros. They then All got up and went up to Bakugo and Midoryia who were finishing lunch. "Sorry do you need something?" Midoryia asked as he wiped his face off. "What do you extras want?" Bakugo spat. "Look, why are you helping the heros if you killed all might and why are they agreeing?!" Tokoyami spat. "Tsk tsk. You want the answers? Your gonna have to prom me something if you want the answers" Midoryia smirked. "And what exactly would that promise be" Sato asked. "Simple. No leaking information and act as if we didn't kill all might." Midoryia smiled. "What?" Kaminari said confused. "You heard me" Midoryia replied. "Fine promise now tell us what's going on" Tokoyami spat. "All of you promise correct?" Midoryia asked. "Yes" the class said in unison.

Midoryia then paused time and unpaused his class mates. "Woah it's so quiet. What's going on?" Kirishima asked. "I paused time so no one would over hear on the conversation. Now come on, this isn't the best place to talk" Midoryia said beginning to float for the dramatic effect. He took them all to the dorm rooms since they were allowed to be there during lunch. "The clocks don't even move" muttered Kirishima.

"We also don't age here. Everything is paused not even cameras work." Midoryia said as he seated himself in the air. "I'll tell you all what's going on. It's long so get ready." Midoryia said.

If you don't feel like rereading what's going on skip to where I said continue.

"What do you guys want to know exactly?" Midoryia asked. "Why the heros are allowing you to be here, how  are you helping, why are you betraying the league, and why you killed all might" momo asked with a serious expression. The class agreed.

"Let's get rid of the easy questions. I, and Kachaan, killed all might because of something he did last year. He killed our mothers and didn't get in trouble for it. Not to mention that he's also had a lot more accidents than 1 can count. If we're totalling how many people he's killed maybe over a thousand. He paid hella money for the media to not talk about it and to put the case to rest, we didn't like that so we killed him" Midoryia said bluntly.

"Wait he killed your mothers??!" The class said in unison with a horrified expression. "I thought the news would've heard by now tsk. Yes, not only our mothers" Midoryia replied. The classes once angry expression went to a more guilt. They understood how Midoryia and Bakugo felt, no one would want their mothers to die especially in the hand of someone who's supposed to protect them.

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