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With the class

Ever since Mirio's inspirational speech the class trained harder than ever to make sure they get their license. There wasn't a quaking minute other than sleep that they weren't doing something related to training, that being mentally studying, reviewing, or physically training. They wanted to make sure they passed..

As this is happening the police were trying to figure out exactly why Midoryia and Bakugo chose to be vigilantes instead of heros since vigilantes aren't technically doing things for pure evil they usually do it because they have an ideology.

Soon the day for licensing came and the class was jittery. They had physically changed after the incident getting stronger both physically and mentally. They got on the bus to the place.

When they made it they found schools from all over. "HELLO!" A tall man with seemgly no hair said approaching the class. "Uh hello?" Kaminari said. "I am Inasa! I heard many great things of  UA's class 1-A" the man without hair said. "Hey?" Kaminari said confused. He then looked at Todoroki and gave him a hard glare. "I'm sorry am I doing something?" Todoroki spat. "Uh sorry for my rude staring" Inasa said as he ran off. "Odd" was all Kaminari had to say.

They all walked inside where a tired man have his usual talk. "As well all know all might is no longer with us. Villain activity has been on the rise.(..insert his long speech)" the man said. "With that being said let's get into the first event" he said as he finished explaining the rules.

The walls suddenly fell and now it was every class for themselves. (All schools were separated into different little boxes so they are all in different points of the field).

Class 1-A decided to stick together except for Todoroki who ran off himself.

The licensing went as it usually would. The only person who failed from class 1-A was Todoroki as he got into a fight with Inasa.

(I figured rewriting what everyone already knows would be kinda boring for you all)

The class happily returned to UA where they were surprised with something new the next day.

"We will be implementing dorms." Aziawa said. The class gasped with excitement. "Dorms!" Everyone chattered. "There will be some obvious division. The guys will have one part and the girls will have another. Both separated in a way only girls can access other girls dorms and only boys can access the boys dorms. There will be a main room at the bottom with a gym. Every room has a balcony and it's own bathroom" Aziawa explained.

"Why are we getting dorms?" Todoroki asked. "The school thinks it's better to keep you all here in a safer environment as they believe villains are targeting the class" Aziawa explained. "Oh that makes sense" Kaminari laughed. Aziawa then showed them how the dormitories worked and all that jig. "We already convinced your parents and they all agreed" Aziawa added.

"How will we get all our stuff here" mina complained to ochaco. "That being said. Today you all have the day off to get all your stuff and unpack." Aziawa said as he left. Everyone else then called their parents to help which most did. Soon the class was all situated and relaxed in their rooms for the remaining period.


With Midoryia and Bakugo

"When AFO gave us those rooms he also started to pay us remember. That'll be of great use cause we'll need the money for the hotel" Midoryia said as he scribbled in the books. Bakugo was sitting on the couch diagonal from Midoryia. "Yeah that'll definitely help" Bakugo said as he was scrolling through his phone. Midoryia wrote on the flip side of the cover.

"Hey endeavor! I'm a huge fan and I really need you to check this book out.

Specifically check pages 78 24 and 100 in that order please.
Your loyal fan,
I.M" is what the note said

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