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With Midoryia and Bakugo

Midoryia and Bakugo walked out of the portal and met up with Kirishima,Sero, and Kaminari. They hung out for the whole day.

Time skip
Monday. Exam day.

"Hello class. Today there will be an exam to follow up how well your internships went. You guys all should have grown to some extent. It'll be held after lunch so I hope yours all prepared. Now all might you may take the lesson away" Aziawa said as he stepped down and walked out of the room. All might soon came through. "Hello class! Before the exams let's see something different! Can't say how different it is from the exams but this is partially a part of the exam! I hope you are all ready, come meet at the fake city once in your hero outfit!" All might instructed.

The class got up and got ready. All might patiently waited.

Once the class is all there

"Okay class. We're doing a "rescue me" mission! I will be at the middle of this obstacle course. You all have to find me. First place is the winner. There will be 4 groups of 5!" All might announced. The class got somewhat excited. "Alright first group. Midoryia,Sero,mina, Ojirou and Iida. Please step onto the field" all might instructed. Deku lazily walked over, he was in no mood for fighting. He had a big mission with Bakugo the other night and even with the extra sleep they were still sore.

"On your marks! Get ready! Go!" All might announced. The 4 all went sprinting into action. Deku just used his telekinesis and went to the air. It was a maze obstacle course all he had to do was find the center. Despite being tired Midoryia hated losing so he put in some effort. He zoomed to the center where he found the button that made the noise. "Midoryia is our winner!... That was a lot faster than I expected" all might said. Midoryia landed back to where the others were standing. He was exhausted, he could close his eyes and would be asleep...

That's exactly what happened. He floated himself with the telekinesis and fell asleep. It was probably once of the most comfortable sleeps Midoryia had as he didn't need some weird support from the back. He floated around, he didn't even bother to anchor himself. He flew past a couple people before Bakugo, who had won the second round came and anchored him down with a book bag. "Deku, if your gonna sleep at least do it neatly" Bakugo spat as he tried the heavy bookbag to the ground. "Is young Midoryia okay?" All might asked. "Yeah he's fine. He told me he trained extra yesterday night which could explain why he's asleep." Bakugo, who was also very tired, replied. "You also look tired?" All might said. "I was training with him." Bakugo spat.

"Oh. Hope you 2 are ready for the exams though. Might wanna get some energy i-" all might stopped speaking as Midoryia froze time. He unfroze Bakugo. "There's a pillow in my bag if you wanna sleep in the air too" Midoryia said pulling the pillow out. "You must've picked up on my act failing thanks. I'll happily go to sleep" Bakugo said taking the pillow. Deku then froze his body in the air and they both went to sleep for hours.


It was also because during the mission yesterday they both got stabbed to their sides. They were dealing with some thugs and in the middle of a fight one of them pulled a knife out unnoticeably. They ended up dying anyways.

The stab was healed by all for one but it took one hell of a chunk of energy.

After maybe 5 hours of pure sleeping went by Midoryia woke up fully of energy. "Ah what a rejuvenating sleep" Midoryia said as he stretched. He woke up Bakugo and unfroze him. Bakugo was also fully energized now. "I think we over did it again" Bakugo laughed. "Eh probably. Let's get back into real time" Midoryia said unpausing it. "In you'll need it" all might finished his cut off sentence from earlier. Bakugo's eye bags had disappeared and Midoryia was awake. "How the? What happened?" All might asked confused. "We slept for a while in paused time. We're good now" Bakugo said putting on his act towards all might. "How smart. Anyways let's continue" all might said quickly turning away from the 2.

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