First class with All Might

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With Midoryia
3rd person POV

All might came busting through the door. The class screamed in awe. "Oh right the act" Midoryia quickly thought to himself. "Woah it's all might!" He shouted with fake joy no one could pick up on. Bakugo also said something along the lines of how cool all might was. They had to do they didn't seem suspicious. They hated every second of the praising to all might. "Hahaha alright class 1-A! We are going to be training in a fake city! Get into your hero costumes and come out!" All might said. He was wearing his silver age clothes.

Everyone got their cases and got dressed. Midoryia's "hero" costume was a dark green suit. Not a dress suit, kinda like his current suit. He didn't like it too much cause it wasn't his villain outfit but he didn't do much to change it. Bakugo was wearing his hero outfit as well (the gauntlets everything) it was also different from his villain outfit. Midoryia and Bakugo concealed their concealed weapons in their bags before they left.

They stepped out where they saw all might standing there waiting. "We are doing a villain vs hero course! The villains will have to secure a weapon in that building on any floor. No one knows the map out of the building. Heros and villains will be chosen randomly. Let's see who's going first!" All might said in his loud voice.

"Team villains- Izuku Midoryia and Denki Kaminari
Team heros- Katsuki Bakugo and Hanta Sero!" All might announced. "I guess we're going against each other kachaan. Let's see who'll win" Midoryia smirked. "I'll beat you Deku!" Bakugo laughed. "Friendly sportsman ship! Perfect example" all might said pointing to the 2. Midoryia hid his intent but he really had the urge to stab all might same to Bakugo.

"Start!" All might said as the 2 teams were in the field. Everyone else was sin some room watching it all go down on cameras. Midoryia hid the weapon on the top floor. "Okay Kaminari I have the perfect plan. You stay here and guard the weapon. I'll be going down to beat them okay. If Sero makes it up here electrocute the floor. It'll stun him." Midoryia said. "Woah your well planned!" Kaminari exclaimed. "Thanks now get ready" Midoryia said.

Midoryia stealthily went down the stairs and hid in an intersection he knew Bakugo and Sero would go through. That would be the only way to go upstairs. Soon Bakugo and Sero entered the building. "Reminder: the only way for heros to win is to either capture both villains or grab the weapon. Villains for you to win you have to make sure they don't get the weapon or immobilize them" all might said through the comms. "Yeah yeah.
Let the fun begin" Bakugo spat. "I have no interest in working with you. I'll win this myself! You go do whatever" Bakugo told Sero. "Dang man whatever" Sero said as he wandered off alone. He didn't know it yet but he entered a trap. Midoryia was on the other side of the wall ready to deliver a solid hit. Bakugo was still inspecting the area.

Sero walked past Midoryia and that's when Midoryia swept his legs from beneath him. He fell hard on the ground and tried to jump back against Midoryia. Midoryia froze him using his quirk. "Sero is secured. Protect the weapon" Midoryia whispered in the comm to Kaminari.

"That fast! He already captured one of the heros." Kirishima exclaimed. "Ah yes are you watching how young Midoryia fights. He uses his quirk only when needed. Other than that everything is his own raw strength" all might said complimenting the boy. "He's powerful." A bird headed boy wearing a black cape said.

Midoryia snuck to the other side of the wall keeping his breathing low so Bakugo wouldn't hear him. Both of them trained to listen for literally everything. He saw Bakugo monologuing. "Come out come out Deku. I'll beat you without using my quirk since I know you plan to as well." Bakugo chuckled.  "Tsk tsk tsk. Kachaan has no idea what's coming" Midoryia whispered super lowly to himself.

Bakugo began to walk towards the door Midoryia was hiding at. Just as he walked by he delivered a punch to Midoryia's gut. He knew! Midoryia also knew he knew that's why he blocked. He grabbed his arm and threw it over him making Bakugo stumble.

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