Eri+clue uncovering

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As the 2 got ready on their sides of the bedroom they heard walking in the halls. Accompanying the steps were super sharp breathes. It concerned Midoryia so after he got done  dressing he ran out. Bakugo tagged along.

When they walked out they found the little girl with the bandages completely off. It revealed many scars. Midoryia then heard angry steps and paused time Immediately. "Who own those steps?" Midoryia said walking to the noise. He had paused time during with an angry overhaul chasing Eri. He was holding a scalpel. The girl had big tears about to fall from her face but paused in motion. Deku unpaused Bakugo. "Dude look. He's cutting her up" Midoryia said full of rage. "Crap your right. Don't unpause yet let's get some answers out of the girl" Bakugo said as he liked at the crying girl and angry overhaul. Midoryia unpaused the girl who was half way down the hall and picked her up with his telekinesis quirk.

"Hey  little girl, are you okay?" Midoryia asked as he placed her down Infront of her. She began to sob. "Please. Don't let me go to him" she begged. "What's your name?" Midoryia asked scooping to her level. "E-eri" she replied. "How old are you?" Midoryia asked. "6" she said through sobs. Midoryia was fueled with rage but didn't let it show so he could keep the girl calm. "Well Eri. My quirk is time, currently everything is stopped. He can't get you for now but when I unpause he'll be storming down the hall" Midoryia told her. "Please! Please don't unpause then... I don't want to get cut again" she cried.

"Tsk this is horrible what exactly is he doing to this girl" Midoryia said to Bakugo as he got off the ground. "It seems like he's using her blood and flesh for something. But what?" Bakugo wondered. ".... H-hes making the drugs out of my blood..." Eri peeped.

Midoryia's face went from all bubbly and smily to enraged and anger. "He's what???" Bakugo spat. "Don't let him know I told you please. He'll hurt me more and then you 2" Eri begged. "Eri I won't tell him anything. I will save you Eri okay. But for now I'm sorry to tell you but you're going to have to try and deal with it. I'll get you help I  just  need time" Midoryia said as he stroked her head. Eri's eyes looked so broken but they were filled with hope.

"Okay..." She said sadly. "Look. Don't tell him I did this but get as far as you can and don't stop. I'll unpause time when I can't hear your steps and breathe any more" Deku replied. "Really! Thank you" she cried as she began to run. Midoryia and Bakugo waited a while until it was gone. They went back inside their rooms so they could act like they were just walking out. Midoryia unpaused the time and walked out of his room. "You 2! Have you seen the girl?" Overhaul said pausing his running. "No? Why did she escape or something?" Midoryia said playing off his act. "Tsk she ran off again" overhaul spat. "Why" Bakugo asked. "I'm using her to make the drugs. You 2 are working with me so it's pointless if I kept that from you" overhaul spat. Midoryia and Bakugo held in their fueled anger. "Oh alright then. We're about to go on a mission if we see her we'll bring her back" Midoryia said as he began to walk away. "Alright then" overhaul spat as he continued to run down the hall. Midoryia and Bakugo released angry sighs and left.


"I got a book in the mail today" endeavor said to a side kick that was at his desk. "That's odd what's it about?" His side kick asked. "It says "the art of heroism" what kind of- could you go sorry" endeavor sighed off his side kick. His side kick left. Endeavor opened the book and found the note Midoryia left for him.

"That's odd. I wonder why those pages specifically" endeavor muttered to himself as he opened to the pages in order.

"The book is all scribbled on??" Endeavor spat. "Wait there are specific words and letters that aren't. Let's see if I can make out the sentence.

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