The League

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A day after the incident.

Bakugo and Midoryia didn't get much sleep. Both their hearts heavy with grief and anger. They hadn't realized it yet but internally, they wanted to kill all might.  They got ready for school and left their house where they met up to walk together. Both of them had huge bags under their eyes and it was clear they were both crying.  It was a silent walk to the school but life continued, the streets hummed with cars and people. The sun shun brightly on their backs as they walked to school.

Once they made it to the building everyone stared at them with pity. They were on the news as it was their mothers that died, they knew police officers were going to come soon. Bakugo hated the stares he and Deku got. "Oi extras! Keep your eyes off of me and Deku unless you want them ripped out" Bakugo spat as he made explosions. Deku didn't care, he was too sad to. everyone quickly looked away and focused on themselves the threat worked. When they made it to class the teacher offered them a free day but Bakugo and Deku rejected the idea. Bakugo for not wanting to seem weak and Deku because he didn't like going to his empty house, not to mention he also didn't want to seem weak to his classmates. If he was gonna kill all might he had to look strong.  The teacher found it peculiar but ignored it.

They went to their classes as they usually would and soon lunch roller around. Deku accidentally lost Bakugo.... Horrible mistake..

"Look what we have here. A worthless Deku." A bully with gray hair that shadowed his eyes spat. "Leave me alone..." Deku said not wanting to fight. "What are you gonna do? Cry to your mommy? Oh wait" he laughed. The bullies were cruel not giving a crap that Deku was undergoing an emotional situation. "The hell you say jerk" Deku said glaring at him. The atmosphere changed dramatically. Deku was more cold and scary now. It made the bullies hair prick up but he ignored it. "Aww the Deku's trying to be tough. Pathetic" he said as he tried to swing a punch. Deku grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back making the bully yelp. Deku then pushed him into the ground making him face plant. The other 2 boys there ran off scared. "Now you've done it!" The gray haired boy jumped up and punched Deku's lip making it bleed. It was busted.

Deku was now more angry than ever and Bakugo was no where to be seen. "Your gonna regret that" Deku said as a smirk spread across his face. He punched the bullies gut and swept his legs from beneath him causing the bully to fall straight into his arm, breaking it in the process. A crunch noise was heard... The bully screamed in pain. Deku wiped the blood off his lip and walked away leaving the bully to suffer alone, it was the end period of the day meaning if no one came by he'd be alone.

Deku finally found Bakugo, he was sitting on a bench in the opposite side of the school waiting for Deku. Deku had accidentally went to the wrong side. "Oi what's wrong with your lip?!" Bakugo yelled as he noticed the bright red blood dripping down from his lip. "The jerkwad attacked me again. It doesn't matter now as I delt with him" Deku spat as he wiped the blood again. "What did you do?" Bakugo asked. "Break his arm..." Deku said as he didn't make eye contact with Bakugo..

"Great! You finally showed them who you are. That idiot won't be messing with you again" Bakugo jumped up patting Deku on the shoulder. Bakugo was disguising his sadness. "Really??" Deku said. "Hell yeah. Now come on we gotta go home" Bakugo said as he began to walk. Deku followed behind.

They took a shortcut down a different alley way they did it a couple times but not too much. As they were walking down that alley way they were suddenly grabbed. Deku instinctively punched whatever it was and twisted it's wrist. It was revealed it was a purple smoking man? "Impressive. Master was right about you 2" the man said. "What do you want from us?!" Bakugo shouted. "Calm down. We simply have an offer. Come with me" the man said as he put them into a dome of warp gates. "Fine." Bakugo said. (Never do this kids)

They followed the purple smoky man into his warp gate and we're now in a base. "Hello Izuku Midoryia and Katsuki Bakugo." A voice said from a  Computer. "What do you want?" Bakugo spat. "No need for the aggressiveness. I simply have an offer. You remember how yesterday all might killed your mothers?" The man said. "Yes. Why?" Deku said. "Well why don't you get revenge on all might? It only makes sense?" He said. Deku's and Bakugo's  eyes flashed. How did he know they were both planning a revenge. "We already planned it. Now what do you want?" Bakugo glared at the computer. "We want you 2 to join us. We can give you all the equipment needed, it's also expected that cops come to both of your homes today, Bakugo you may be fine but what about you Deku? Your father left you thy will take you away from your home and put you in a shelter across Japan" the man said. Midoryia's face went pale. The man wasn't wrong. "How do we know you won't betray us?" Bakugo asked. "We have no reason to! We also want to kill all might. Now do you accept?" The man said. "F-fine." Deku said. Because Deku agreed Bakugo also agreed. "Splendid. I am all for one he is Kurogiri and that man right there is shigaraki" he said as random arrows appeared on the screen pointing at the 2 men. "You 2 will receive the best training ever ensuring your win for any situation. I hope your ready" all for one said. "Born ready" Bakugo smirked.

Before Deku and Bakugo knew it they were training with villains so that they could get revenge on all might. They also picked up an ideology...

Fake heros don't deserve to live just as much as villains don't either. They were gonna kill villains and false heros. The only villains they wouldn't kill were those of the league since they were helping.

Later that day.

Bakugo and Deku were sent back to that alley way and continued to walk home. "Hey Deku, why'd you say yes?" Bakugo asked. He wasn't complaining as he was also going to day yes. "The thought of all might sickens me. Seeing him dead will satisfy me. And now thinking more about it, there are a lot of heros like him. I don't plan on being a full out villain more of a vigilante. Doing things heros can't. What about you?" Deku said. "The same exact reason." Bakugo grinned. The 2 boys walked home with a new mind set.

Knock knock

There was knocking at Deku's door. "Crap." Deku said to himself. He opened the door. Police officers....

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