UA Entrance Exam

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With Deku and Bakugo

"I can't believe the entrance exam is tomorrow." Midoryia cheered. They were sitting at the park since there was no school. "Yeah I can't wait to get in. Then our planning will work" Bakugo laughed. They were still stuck in revenge on all might, but it showed them what path they wanted to take. "It's going to be annoying having to pull off an act. Your lucky you don't have to do that" Midoryia huffed. He had to play it off as the innocent cinnamon roll. If he didn't then he wouldn't be able to take information out of people. "Heh. I'm glad I don't have to do that" Bakugo scoffed. "Haha. It's going to be hard not wanting to kill someone once I'm pissed" Midoryia laughed. He had a tendency to get super violent when angry. Also another reason why he has to play an act. If he got too violent people would suspect his intentions of being a "hero". No person that wants to kill wants to be a hero, but Midoryia had extreme violent tendencies that he would need to hide.

"Tomorrow is gonna be a cinch. With my quirk i just have to freeze them and I get the points." Deku scoffed. "Heh I just explode them and I'm fine." Bakugo laughed. "Tomorrow is gonna be one eventful day." Deku smirked.

"I can't wait" Bakugo said. They began their walk home. It was 5:30pm. Bakugo no longer has parents. His dad died a couple months ago due to a villainous hero. Bakugo would kill the hero if he got the chance, he won't even allow Deku to help. Killing all might was also still on the goal. That would be more difficult than just saying they would. He's the number 1 for a reason.

The next day.

Deku woke up excited, he quickly got dressed after he showered and left the house. He had his cop visit yesterday. It wasn't anything big no house inspection nothing. The cop just came to make sure Deku was mentally okay which was useless because Deku is a pro liar. No one can pick up on his lies. Deku ran outside where he also found Bakugo running outside. "Okay we need to be there in 30 minutes. uA is 15 minutes away from here let's go!" Deku cheered as they began to speed walk. They were too excited to normal walk.

They were excited for an evil reason but that didn't matter. Soon they made it to UA. The gates were huge. The 2 boys ran into the building and sat down. A man with blond hair in the air that wore orange glasses spoke. It was pro hero present mic! He explained how everything would work and then got everyone onto the battle field. Without even a starting go everyone began to go. "In real life hero missions there is no countdown go go go!!" Present mic shouted. Deku and Bakugo zoomed into the battle field. It wasn't too difficult for Bakugo to take out some robots as well as Deku.

"Woah are you watching those 2 kids?" Present mic said from the stands with a couple other teachers. "Yeah that green headed kid is strong. I don't even understand how he's doing it. The robots just freeze when his hand flashes. Then they topple over. He does it so effortlessly" all might exclaimed. "The spiky haired blond is also pretty good. His explosions are huge" another pro spoke up. "Yeah pretty cool. We have a promising batch" a raven haired man said. He had crimson red eyes and short black hair.  His skin was pale.

Deku and Bakugo were neck and neck with points. Soon it was all over. Midoryia ended with 87 battle points and Bakugo ended with 85. Midoryia beat him by 2 points and scored number 1.

Soon after 2 weeks they got their results. "Congratulations you, Izuku Midoryia, have got into UA high" all might said in a little video. "Congratulations you, Katsuki Bakugo, have got into UA high".

The 2 boys messaged each other right after their results. They both got in and started tomorrow. They went to the base and told shigaraki and Kurogiri what happened. "Great job. Now your mission begins. Do well" Shigaraki said...
"We won't fail you"

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