an issue in plan

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Chisaki was sitting on a chair in their room. "That was a long mission. Mind telling me about it?" He asked in a frightening tone. Midoryia and Bakugo stood dumbfounded. "...the hell am I supposed to say?" Midoryia wondered to himself. In Chisaki's hands their was a notebook. Midoryia's... Midoryia quickly realized and paused time. "Kachaan he found out." Midoryia said frantically. "Crap. Grab the note book so he doesn't ruin the information" Bakugo said panicked. Midoryia used his telek and grabbed 7 notebooks seemingly out of random spots including in Chisaki's hand. "Where did those come from?" Bakugo said with his eyes wide. "I ran out of space. All of these have important info" Midoryia whined. "Whatever. If he says anything about finding out you pause time again and grab the girl. Chances are he'll know if we run to UA so I'll cut his arms off" Bakugo said.

Midoryia then unpaused time. "Wow! You took the notebooks. It doesn't matter now, I know everything. Your trying to save Eri. That's too bad she isn't even here!" Chisaki smirked. Midoryia's face went grim. They couldn't kill Chisaki despite wanting to. They're trying to change. "Your not objecting which is only confirming my thoughts. You 2 shall die, now" Chisaki said as he touched the floor. Instinctively Midoryia backed up....

Right into a spike. He screamed in pain and ended up pausing time. "Crap. I've been stabbed. Why is it so sharp" Midoryia cried. He paused the blood from seeping out. The spike had stabbed right to his back injuring his spine. He could barley stand. Midoryia used telekinesis to avoid walking. He moved Bakugo so we also wouldn't back up into the spike. "Kachaan. I've been impaled" Midoryia said tightly. He was struggling to breathe with the pain he was in.

"This is bad like really bad. We can't even kill him yet, we need to figure out where he has Eri before something worse happens. Look I hate to ask you of something like this especially while your stabbed but use telekinesis and grab all the weapons and our outfits. While you do that I'll use this tracker on him." Bakugo said as he went through his closet. Bakugo had bought a packet of mini trackers. He set it up and put it in his pocket. It was so small but once it grabbed into something it would not let go.  Midoryia surprisingly despite being in pain picked up the stuff with his telekinesis and for payback for the stab he broke his mask.

They then ran away, well Midoryia flew away but that's out of the question. Since Midoryia's telekinesis was faster than running on keg he picket up Bakugo and then zoomed to UA dormitories. They found the rooms set up for them and threw in the clothes and weapons. Midoryia then landed Infront of a paused Kaminari, kirishima,and Sero. He could no longer bare the pain so he unpaused and fell to the ground.

"Wha- MIDORYIA?!" Kaminari shouted. Midoryia's quirk could no longer hold up and Midoryia began to bleed out. "Overhaul found out and stabbed him. Quick call a medic" Bakugo spat. Bakugo was completely unharmed because of Midoryia, if Midoryia was a second too late Bakugo would also be bleeding out.

Kaminari jumped to Midoryia's side. "Kirishima get mr.Aziawa!" Kaminari shouted. Kirishima was already gone to get Aziawa.

Soon he came running in with him. Aziawa examined the deep wound that was bleeding out purfouesly. The blood was a bit too dark indicating not enough oxygen was being delivered. His lung must've been punctured as well. Aziawa already had recovery girl with him so she Immediately used her quirk on him. The bleeding stopped but his spine was still damaged, Midoryia didn't have enough energy to be healed further. Bakugo gazed at Midoryia with worry, was his friend going to be alright?

Midoryia was carefully lifted and placed on the couch. "He has a fractured spine. I can't heal him enough without him possibly dying, so he's going to have a limp for a while after he wakes up" recovery girl said. "This is bad. What happened Bakugo?" Aziawa asked turning to A worried Bakugo, a rare expression for Bakugo to have.

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