Chapter 1- Silence among the leaves

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Narrators POV

"I love you" a three word sentence that could possibly change someone forever, a seven letter  string of words that many people think about for over half there lives, it may not mean much to some who do not know what love really is, but it means the world to someone who does.

Mars and Amber both collapsed onto the ground, the autumn leaves flying into the air and then twisting this way and that as they fell. There wasn't a particular reason to collapse to the ground at that moment, they where not tired or fed up at that point, they just felt like it... felt like letting go of all the weight that there body has to carry and to land on a soft bed of leaves. Amber turned her head to follow a particular leaf that was floating down the cliff near by them, the orange and yellow blue of colour making up the illusion and blurry, crying eyes.

They lay for sometime, silently, they both loved those moments, lying there with no need for words, no need for looking at each other or getting up, no need for anything at all. As nice as those moments where, Amber knew something was up with Mars, she could always tell that with them.
Her soft voice broke the silence like a knife through butter, but it was nice, Mars had always liked Ambers voice, crackly like an open fire but yet sweet as sugar
"Yes?" Mars said back
"Are you alright?" She said back
"I'm still gay and non-binary if that what you mean" they laughed for awhile, there giggling filling the cold autumn air,
"No silly! I mean how do you feel?" She said half laughing
"I'm okay, thanks" Mars stopped laughing suddenly and tilted there head slightly away from where Amber was lying,
"Tell me the truth Mars bar" Amber said starring at the back of there head, hoping that they will feel her stare and turn to look at her,
"Don't call me thattttt!" They said turning to look at Amber finally,
"Neverrrrrrrr!!!" Amber yelled getting up and gently kicking at Mar's puffy coat, signalling to them to get up.
"Pull me upppp!" Mars said in a whining tone, flailing themselves around like a five year old that didn't get what they wanted, once again laughing Amber pulled Mars from the leafy pile that they where just lay in and continue to walk deeper into the forest.

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