Chapter 18- Colour me in

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Ambers POV

The entire room smelt of wet paint, it was intoxicating but nice. We had gone for a dark shade of cyan, the paint can read 'deep breath' it gave the room a cosy feel.

I was lathering on the last bit of paint onto the wall until suddenly I felt a splatter on my back I didn't think much of it, but then I felt it again, I snapped around to look what was happening to see Mars flicking specks of paint at me,
"It might make your old clothes look nice?" Mars said guiltily, knowing they had been caught, it was true that it looked nice on my old clothes but I had to get back at them either way
"Oh ye? Well how about you" I waved my brush in the direction of Mars and big globs of paint flew in many directions, including straight at their face.
"So this is how we are playing it?" The said smudging the paint on their face in attempt to get it off
"Then colour me in!" They said swiping my old t-shirt with the brush, leaving a big long streak of dark cyan paint on me. They proceeded to try and run away from me, but I caught up pretty quick as we weren't aloud to leave the room. I painted a big glob of paint onto their back, making them spill around and wave the brush at my face frantically, covering me with it. In reaction to this I did what most people would do in that situation, do it right back, Mars started to back away but tripped on something and desperately tried to grab me to stabilise themselves, which thankfully they did, but there face was dangerously close to mine, they had one hand gripped tightly on my shoulder and the other slightly more relaxed on  my wrist.

I wanted this moment to last forever and something about Mars expression told me that they didn't either no don't be stupid Amber of course they don't want this! Suddenly they pulled away and acted like nothing happened see they don't want this!

We finished off the wall and got the right furniture into the room and, to be fair, it looked very dark academia-y I liked it, cosy, warm, welcoming, everything a house needed. But not everything I needed.

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