Chapter 22- Why?

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TW: homophobia

Mars POV

Blinking my eyes open I saw nothing, are my eyes still closed? I shove my hand in-front of my face and relies that I have my head face first into my pillow, it doesn't feel like it?

I turn over to look at Amber but she's... gone?
"Amber?" I call out
"She isn't on the roof again is she?" I panic, sweat sprung from my forehead, she was being so good, please say she is okay! I rush onto the balcony and climb onto the roof and see her, she's learning up against the chimney and smoking a cigarette, she looks odd, the roof didn't look right either. Ambers hair was scruffy and she was wearing a stripy shirt and jeans that I have never seen before.

I walk up next to her, and when she notices me her face grew sour,
"Ew, what are you doing here?" She spat, she took a big puff of smoke and blew it in my face, making me cough and splutter
"Wh- *cough* -at?" I manage to say through the thick smoke.
"Didn't I tell you to leave me alone!" She said, it's like she didn't even hear my question,
"Disgusting freak! Why was I ever your friend? And that whole 'non-binary' thing is such a joke!" Tears pricked in my eyes, why? what was happening?
"What? You gonna cry? Cry like a little baby! Pathetic!" She grabbed my arm and stumped out her cigarette on it, that should have hurt? Why didn't I feel a burn when she did that?

Ambers face crumpled up as she looked me up and down and then...left, she went towards the balcony and went back in her room. Tears were flowing out of my eyes now, it was true, all of it. All of a sudden I heard her voice again, soft and sweet now but slightly panicked
"Mars come on, are you okay?"
"Wake up Mars!"

There was a flash and I saw Amber, she was wearing what she had fallen asleep in last night and not smoking, she wasn't disgusted at the sight of me. It was all a dream, but why did I have to dream that up?
"You good? You started to cry while sleeping?" She asked, placing her hand on my shoulder
"I'm- I'm fine, just a bad dream hehe" I look away from her and stare out the window. What was that? It doesn't matter! As long as she is my friend now...friend...

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