Chapter 12- Sit and talk

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Narrators POV

The sizzling of eggs echoed around the house like a wild fire, rubbing her eyes Amber emerged from her room why are they up so early she thought as she plodded slowly down the stairs.
"Morning sunshineeee!" Mars sang in their chirpy voice, they had always been a morning person, well... not really a morning person more like the best person to wake up at a sleepover if you were hungry or the nicest person at the breakfast table.
"Morning..." Amber drawled, she looked at the pan that Mars was cooking with and saw four eggs sat there,
"Something looks good" she says looking at Mars hopefully
"What's the's not like I'm not going to give you any" they giggled as the grabbed two plates and just at that second two rounds of toast popped out the toaster
"Be a doll and butter those please, will ya?" Mars said attempting to scoop out an egg without popping the yolk. Amber did as she was asked and began buttering the two pieces of perfectly toasted bread, when Mars had finally finished getting the eggs and the toast was buttered that sat at the table and began to eat up.

"How's your arm?" Said Mars as they cut up their toast
"Huh?" Amber looked confused she had already forgotten about yesterday
"Your arm" they said again gesturing towards Ambers arm with their head
"Oh! I forgot" she giggled
"It's fine, how are you?" It really was fine, she couldn't feel a thing, was that a bad thing? Not being able to feel something that was hurt badly only the other night.
"I'm okay thank you" they answered after finishing their egg
"So, I was thinking..." they said standing up again so they could put their dish in the sink.
"That we could have a break from house work for an hour or two and go to the elder tree" Mars said enthusiastically bouncing when saying the word 'elder tree'
"Haven't we only just started the house work?" Amber laughed
"Yes butttttt theres no harm in a break" they said looking at Amber in a kind of puppy dog eye look
"Of course we can, we better get ready" she replied. Damn their so cute when they make that face... cute, no, we went through this, you CANT like your best friend...

Amber put on her favourite red and black plaid
flannel over her black shirt sleeved top that had a simplistic moon on the corner along with some grey jeans and black doc martens. While Mars put on their 'the devil fears me' jumper and black leggings with some random trainers, after all they were going to be climbing.

As Amber and Mars left the house and locked up they felt the morning wind hit their faces and walked forward to where the elder tree was.

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