Chapter 2- Into the trees

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Narrators POV

They both joked and laughed as the walked past the trees, they listened to the leaves crunch as they stepped on them and kicked them until they got where they needed to be,
"We are here" Amber said quietly as she suddenly stopped, in-front of them stood a tree, but this tree was not a normal tree, it was delicate and twisted, the truck was showing a spinning pattern in the bark and the branches had to entwined together, the leaves that the tree grew were a dark shades of red and they looked like they glittered in the sun-set.

Mars suddenly started running at the tree, smiling wildly, Amber realising what Mars was doing ran frantically after them, but it was to late, Mars had already clambered up to the second twisted, slightly uneven branch and working in getting on the third,
"STOP,WAIT UPPPP!" Amber yelled up the tree, her voice slightly cracking from pulling herself up,
"THIS IS DANGEROUS YOU KNOW?! WE ARE RACING UP A TREE, YOU COULD FALL!" Amber yelled again, she was laughing non the less, hurling herself up yet another branch, she heard the brush of leaves and birds wings flapping as if running away from sudden movement, Mars had already got up to the top of the tree,
"COULD YOU AT LEAST HELP?!" Amber shouted as she was out of breath already,
"Fineeeee!" She heard a muffled yell from the top of the tree, after a few seconds Amber saw a hand reaching down for her, looking up she saw Mars smiling gleefully, they looked very happy with themselves for beating Amber,
"Are you going to let me help you or not?" They said taking hold of Ambers hand and thrusting them upwards.

This was what they called, the "elder tree" there was no proof that it was old, only the fact that it looked old, it was a beautiful sight to see, it felt like it was made by man, not nature. Each branch was placed perfectly to reach and step onto and the twisted trunk gave it the ability to be used as a climbing wall, it looked as though someone had folded dough and decided it was now a tree.

Once they had both reached the top the sun was barely up anymore, all the light that came was the soft orangey, pinkish glow over in the horizon. The scenery, even if they had seen it a million times before, still surprised them, the other slightly smaller trees gathered up close, as if they were trying to keep warm from the chilly wind that blew every so often, the birds flying off, terrified of the two humans that had just came up the tree that they lived in, it was like a painting, perfect, in every single way.

Sitting down on one of the top branches, they looked around, Amber was slightly out of breathe and Mars was still full of it,
"Where do you get your energy from?" She said giggling as she turned to Mars,
They didn't answer, they were to busy making out what one of the clouds looked like,
"Do you think it looks like a dragon?" they said pointing at a small cloud above them
"Ye...sort of" Amber hadn't even looked at the cloud she was to busy thinking, thinking about thinking, she did that a lot, she didn't particularly like it, she just did it humans are weird, she thought we have so many complicated emotions, why? Can't we just live without stress or sadness? There really isn't a need for it, I just don't get why
"Amberrrrrr?" Mars was saying, waving there hand in her face, bringing her away from her thinking,
"Sorry...hehe, what's up?" She said realising that time didn't stop for her thinking like in games or movies
"Are you feeling okay? You keep drifting off?" Mars said looking at Amber in a confused way,
"I'm...I'm fine, don't worry about me" Amber said staring at her coat and started playing with the zip
"As long as your sure..?" Mars said looking as they started fumbling in there coat pocket, after awhile they pulled out a little, neatly wrapped present and handed it to Amber,
"What's this?" She asked confused yet exited
"What do you mean whats this?!" Mars said pushing the little gift into Ambers hands, she looked down at the shiny blue box with a light green bow wrapped around it,
"It's your birthday present silly" Mars said seeing Ambers visible confusion
"You forgot it was your birthday?" They exclaimed, glancing at the box again
"No no... how could I forget..." she said slowly ,looking at Mars
"I don't need anything though" she said trying to give them it back
"Please, take it" they said, there eyes glinting in the last of the sunlight. Amber slowly pulled at the near ribbon and carefully unwrapped the shining paper, underneath was a velvety purple box, small and sophisticated
"Open ittttttt!" Mars exclaimed eagerly, fighting the urge to snatch it and open it themselves, as Amber slowly opened the box up her eyes filled with tears
"You... this isn't-" She spluttered as tears rolled down her petite face
"You idiot, I can't take this" she said smiling at Mars
"Well what am I going to do with it, you always loved it" Mars smiled and wiped away Ambers tears
"I'll help you put it on" they said taking hold of the necklace and placing it around her neck. It was a beautiful necklace, gold and silver mixed together to make a very lovely pale yellow colour and a lovely rose pendant that sparkled in the light.

The sun was now gone, like a candle blown out the light was extinguished and the darkness and moon was the only things left,
"We should get going..." Ambers said quietly after lying there with Mars for an hour or two
"stay with the stars for awhile" Mars said back
"We will fall asleep like last time"
"Fine, we can come tomorrow?"
"Of course"
"I-" Amber hated making promises, even if it was true that she would keep the promise, she didn't like the thought of disappointing someone
"I promise" she said finally.

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