Chapter 20- Damn i want to kiss you...

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Mars POV

We walk into the building, it wasn't busy but there was enough people in there to say it was a good business. A man in a black tux walked to us and said
"Would you like a rooftop table or inside?" Before I could answer Amber had rushed to say
"Rooftop!" She was telling me how much she wanted to eat on the roof, so here was her chance.
"I will escort you to your table now ma'm and er-" he looked at me confused, I was used to this now, it was kind of reassuring that no one can know what gender I was,
"I don't really use pronouns, non-binary" I say the mans face suddenly lit up and he looked whispered to me
"My child is non-binary!" He sounded quite exited about this, it was good to know he was okay with it, I've met quite a few homophobes in my days so this was refreshing.

He put us on a table with warm candles and a blue checked table cloth, it was scattered with daisies so it looked lovely. We sat down and picked up the menu and scanned the food choices.
"I'll have a jacket potato with salad please" says Amber to the waiter
"And I'll have the fish and chips with peas please" I say after
"And the drinks?" The waiter says after writing our order down
"I'll have a lemonade please" I say
"I'll have an Fanta please" she says after scanning the drinks
"Okay thank you, your food will be here shortly"

The waiter left to go tell the cooks what we wanted.
"It's lovely up here isn't it?" Amber says looking at the scenery
"Beautiful..." I keep looking at her instead of my surroundings, I cant stop thinking about how good she looks!
"We could have our roof like this, if your want?" I ask her
"That would be wonderful!" I have a look around, there were plants everywhere and a beautiful view, the whole of it was comforting and sweet, hopefully how our home would feel by the time we have done with it.

The food there was lovely and we were walking home from the restaurant and Amber suddenly stopped, she grabbed hold of me and looked me straight in the eyes and for one heated moment I thought she would kiss me, god, please kiss me?! But instead she pulled me into a long hug and whispered
"Thank you" which was still nice, but it want what I wanted, I wanted her, I needed her. But she would never need me.

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