Chapter 23- Sunrises and talks

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(Right if you don't know what Unus Annus is it's basically just a yt channel that got deleted, enjoy!)
TW: depressing subjects
Mars POV

We had eaten breakfast and had decided to go on a walk to the elder tree. I had shoved on my black Unus Annus hoodie and she had put on her white Unus Annus hoodie
"Look" we said pointing at each others hoodies,
"I know right!" We yelled, we hadn't planned it so it was really cute.

Walking there felt uncomfortable, there wasn't an uncomfortable atmosphere, I just couldn't stop thinking about the dream and how I could just forget about liking Amber, so much is circling my brain at the same time! It's so confusing and difficult.
"You okay?" Amber says as we stop by the tree, every muscle in my brain was telling me to run but I couldn't,
"Ye, why wouldn't I be?" I spit out a little too quickly
"Are you sure?" She asks hesitantly
"Ye..." I drift off, look up at the tree
"Wanna race?" She knows the answer but it's polite to ask
"Hmmm, let me think" I tease
"GO!" She shouts loudly, causing several birds to fly out from trees.

We start racing up the branches, neither one of us went behind the other, we were level all until we burst through the top leaves, the air felt fresher and colder. We sat were we usually sit and look at each other, her hair falling in front of her soft blue eyes.
"Do you think the police are going to get told about our disappearance?" Amber says suddenly
"My parents have two younger brothers to live off, they won't care when I'm not there" I say back smiling at the sky
"What about your mum?"
"Mine would be to high and drunk to notice... although..." she started but didn't continue
"Although?" I repeat what she said
"Someone came to the house a few days ago... it was probably no one but they argued for... so long"
"But I can't risk going back there! I might never  be able to come back." She giggles and looks at me, her smile could warm a fire.

"Look at how pretty the sunrise is" I say pointing ahead of us watching the sky and tracing the pinks and orange.
"It's.... lovely" she pauses as she said lovely and looks at me, I wanted to just melt but I couldn't, she wasn't mine to melt to.

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