Chapter 13- Music makes the world feel good

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Mars POV

"Wanna listen to music?" I say pulling out my headphones and phone
"Of course, what we listening to?" Amber grabbed one of the earbuds and pushed it into her ear
"What do you want?" I ask swiping through my Spotify
"There's this song I realllllyyyyy like..." she exclaimed
"It's called dearly beloved by TPR" Amber looked at me, hope filled her eyes. I typed the words into the search bar and clicked the first one I saw, the icon was a key falling into water, it was calming and sweet.

The piano started to play, softly and slow, it made my body tingle and my fingers move in rhythm to the keys being played, I love playing the piano but then my parents said it was a waste of time and sold it, maybe in this house I can have one? Yes that's a great idea! The song filled my head, making me feel light and wonderful, I was weightless, like a person in space, a single touch would send me flying.

I looked over at Amber as we walked, she looked so please with herself, her smile widened every few seconds and then fell into a calm smirk, she was completely oblivious to the fact I was looking at her, she was so concentrated on getting to the elder tree and listening to this beautiful song. The song began to come to a close, leaving me satisfied but wanting it to carry on, but either way we couldn't listen anymore, we had arrived at the elder tree.

Before I could put my phone back in the bag Amber set off, towards the tree, just like I did before, she wanted to beat me this time... I might let her after all she's cute when she's competitive... cute?... no?

"Imma beat you!" She screams down the tree, she was already half way up the tree, if I go now I could probably overtake her. Nah. I want her to feel good about herself. I ran towards the tree and began climbing rapidly, oblivious to whatever passed me, I clambered up until I saw Amber pushing the top leaves out the way so she could get through them what a beautiful picture that would make,
"PAUSE THERE!!!" I scream up quickly
"WHY!?" She answered me, standing still like she had been stunned.
"ITS A GOOD PICTURE!" I pull out my phone and take three or four photos of her and the leaves, the sun filtered through the orangish leaves or the little leaves it did have left.

I catch up to Amber and we sit in our usual spot and I show her the photos of her and the tree top.
"I could paint that on my wall!" She said happily when seeing what I had taken
"Thank you!" She threw her hands around me and pulled me close to her. My heart began beating at the speed of light and my face began to flush red why?! It's not like I like her or anything, is it?
"That- that's exactly why I took them" I lied after she realised me, I avoided eye contact and stared straight at the clouds, clouds are a good distraction
"Well it was good thinking" she says following my gaze. It took her some time but she suddenly pointed at the sky and said
"That one looks like a guitar" her finger led to a cloud, that was indeed, quite like a guitar,
"Oh yes" I stare at the sky for awhile, until my heart is slow and my face is cool and finally look at Amber again. This has happened before but never THIS bad, do I actually... no... she's my best friend, besides she won't like ME!

"Music?" I say passing her a earbud
"How could I say no" she giggled her giggle is so cute... stop it Mars
"Who then?"
"Let's have some good Ol' mother mother shall we?" She asks
"Little pistol sound good?"

"Up on my side, where it is felt
I pack a little pistol on my pistol belt
I think it might be fear
Of the world and the way it makes you feel afraid" the song began

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