Chapter 19- Stunning

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Mars POV

AM I BLUSHING!? I hope I'm not! God why does this have to happen, she was so close, that was TORTURE!!! Why do I have to like my best friend? Why did I even try to grab her? That was so stupid it, why did she look at me like that, like that kinda up down look thing AHHHHHH!?

"Wanna go out for dinner today?" Amber said after awhile, that's sounded good actually
"Ye, were ya thinking?" Knowing her she would pick some very artsy restaurant, she liked that sort of stuff, cute
"I was thinking that new place we saw a few weeks ago, around the corner...what was it called? 'The roof'? But only if you want!" She sounded panicked at the end, she never wanted to seem like she was forcing anyone to do anything, even though it didn't look like she was forcing anyone
"The rooftop diner" I say, I remember the name because she said she wanted to go someday,
"It's cheap there so we don't need to ask for money off my aunts" I say shortly after
"Sounds great!" She clapped her hand enthusiastically
"Shall we get ready then?" I ask already heading for the stairs
"BET I CAN BEAT YOU!" She rushes past me and clambers the stairs, I rush after her but still she beats me up the stairs, I hear faint laughter as she closes the door to her room. I chuckle and go and get ready.

I sit there staring blankly into my draws, what should I wearrrrr? I see something that catches my eye, and suddenly have a very good idea. I grab a white shirt and slightly baggy black and put the shirt underneath the sweater and stick out the collar, and grab some dark grey jeggins and put a black belt on. I stared into the mirror and decided if I looked okay and then just gave up debating and walked out my room.

I was doing up my doc Martians when Amber walked out, she looked stunning, a long sleeved not skintight jumpsuit that was jet black and covered in delicate moons and stars, she wore dark brown sandals and moon earrings. The open cuffs danced around her wrists and ankles making her look delicate and beautiful, as always. I stood up quickly because I had finished doing up my laces and admired her from a more normal angle.
"You ready to go?" I ask
"More than ready!" I put out my hand for her, like a gentleman in one of those movies, and gracefully, she took my hand and we walked down the stair hand in hand.
"You look wonderful!" I say as we get to the bottom of the stairs
"Why thank you" she looks down at herself and then at me and smiles god I love her smile!
"So do you!" She tilts her head while she looked at my face, I don't know why but she looked adorable doing it.
"Shall we go then?" She said shaking her head suddenly, like she was coming out of a daydream,
"Indeed I am" I say as we walk out the door into the cold evening air.

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