Chapter 11- Salty tears

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Ambers POV

As soon as we got into my room Mars hugged me, tight enough for me to know they cared but not to tight because my arm was still bleeding
"You clothes" I say pulling my bloodied arm away from Mars back, trying desperately not to stain there top
"I don't care" came a muffled voice, there head was buried into my shoulder, they suddenly brought their head up from my shoulder, which I now realised was soaked with tears
"You will tell me next time, right?!" They said to me salty tears rolling down their cheeks
"I promise, I promise, don't cry it was my stupid brain, I couldn't help in and-" I try to finish but Mars cuts me off
"Please... I'm always here for you now... I don't care if I'm sleeping just wake me up" they whispers into my ear, they had once again placed their head onto my shoulder, I didn't mind it, I loved it when they did that love? Where did that come from?

"We need to get you cleaned up now" Mars lifted their head again and looked slightly happier, well, not happy more like brighter. They looked through their bag and found their stash of cleaning equipment and bandages. Once I had been all cleaned and bandaged up me and them lay on the mattress on the floor, my head on their shoulder, I don't know how we ended up like that, we just did. I turned to look at their face and they did the same god why are they so cute, what! What is getting into me, I can't like my best friend...Or can I? No don't be stup-
"Hey?" Mars said breaking me out my thinking, their sleepy voice echoing around the room
"I'm gonna sleep now" they say again closing their eyes, I moved closer to me and wrapped their arms around me, I felt so warm and safe in their arms, so safe in fact that I fell into the first comfortable sleep I've had in months.

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