Chapter 15- Coming to terms

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Ambers POV

We had got half way back home when Mars talked again
"How are you today?" They said, They weren't looking at me when they said this, they weren't really looking anywhere, they seemed far away but not so far away that they didn't talk.
"I'm good, how are you?" I answer, it took them 9 or 10 seconds for them to reply
"I'm great thanks" they snapped out there trance and looked at me
"Should we finish the bedrooms and the do the kitchen or should we finish the bedrooms and then do the living room?" They had been thinking of how the house would look, it's cute when they do that,
"Living room would be nice" I look in-front of us to see the house slowly getting bigger and bigger as we walked.

We opened the door and slumped ourselves onto the old leather sofa and waited to awhile, staring at the ceiling and thinking of what our rooms would look like, well that's what I assumed we were thinking of anyway...

Suddenly, after three or four minutes, I heard the crumple of the leather sofa next to me and watched in the corner of my eye as Mars went upstairs, they wanted this work to be done soon, I knew they did, cute... cute, what is wrong with me? do I really like them? or is it me being stupid again, my brain whirred with these questions, no, I can't like them, they will never like me back... but I want to be with them all the time, I want to hug them when I see them in the morning, I feel so happy with them... I- I love them... my body shivered, I had expected it, I loved them! I loved them so much, I needed them, but nothing would ever happen between us.

Mars POV

This is wrong! This is very wrong! I can't like her, she my friend, she will never love me! But- but I.... love her.

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