Chapter 9- An unfamiliar noise

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TW: self harm scars

Mars POV

"THIS IS MINE!" I yell, I know exactly the room I want, I've been here before so I know the rooms inside out.
"NO FAIR, I HAVEN'T EVEN LOOKED YET!" I heard Amber voice cracked with excitement, she has never been here before, it's weird to be so happy about a house
"Trust me, I know you will love your room" I say as she got to the top of the stairs, I pointed at the door closest to the stairs
"Oh- will- I- now" Amber panted, she had fallen over on the stairs quite a few times on the way up.

Amber walked towards the door, the door pushed open with ease and and empty room was reviled, only a double bed and what I knew Amber would fall in love with
"ITS A BALCONY!" She screamed running at it full speed, flinging the doors open the autumn smell filled the room and the soft cold breeze brushed against my cheeks.
"Thank youuuuuu" she turned to me and hugged me as tight as she could, she smelled sweet, like strawberry's and cream,
"You can decorate it in whatever way you like" I say looking down at the top of her head, she looked up at me and smiled wider
"Can I-?"
"Yes you can paint it" I laugh
"Let's see your room firsttttt" she said grabbing my hand and pulling me along as if I didn't know my way around, butterfly's flew through me as she grabbed my hand, why?

"You can finally have a grunge roommmmm!" She squealed flinging open my bedroom door, I didn't have a balcony but I had easy access to the roof.
"Well..." I say looking at her
"We should get started on decor!" She said pulling all her painting supplies out her bag
"Are you just going to decorate it with paintings or are you gonna paint the wall first?" I giggle
"I'm going to have a flower and plant aesthetic, so I don't need to paint it really" she said pulling out several different things I didn't know the name of and and stuffing paint brushes in her mouth so she could carry them.

"We ordered our furniture and it should come tomorrow" I call up to the still very busy painting Amber, I was still painting my room navy but she had creativity, she had to think of patterns and colours and what to mix together, she is so talented and cute...cute!
"I'm almost done, come look" she called from the other room, I walk slowly into the room, the smell of paint filled my nose, it was kind of homey in a way, I looked around and smiled wildly, it was beautiful, the colours all went and I saw that the door had vines coming from the door,
"It's- it's amazing!" I stutter looking at her. She had her sleeves rolled up revelling many old scars and a huge bandage around her wrist,
"Are you okay?" I say panicked, she tilted her head and followed my gaze
"Oh! This happened ages ago, my arm got caught on something, I'm okay now" she smiled up at me,
"Are you sure? You cleaned it right?" I ask again coming closer to her,
"Yes I did, it's okay I promise" she giggled
"I love it when your worried about me"
"Shut upppppp" I say staring at her childishly, we both burst into fits of laughter.

"So how's your room coming along?" Amber asks after we calm down,
"Very dark" I say back, we were lay on the floor by this point, facing the ceiling but talking to each other
"Just how you like it"
"Indeed it is"
Then, there was a unfamiliar noise, silence, we never got to hear that when we were at home, it was lovely, very lovely.

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