Chapter 14- The end always hurts

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Mars POV

"And I, well I found what's best for me
And now I see no tragedy
And I, I found a burning rose
And now I won't be packing little pistols
No, no, no more"
And the music had stopped. I think that always hurt, no matter what song, the ending always hurt.

Most things hurt when they end, relationships, people, friendships and many other things.

Amber was in her own little world, lying there and staring at the clouds, earlier she was bobbing her head to the music but she had stopped now, why does she have to look so good? I mean she doesn't make it easy for people not to like her... LIKE HER? No this isn't happening, I don't like my best friend! And she doesn't like me! Nothing will ever happen between us...
"What song do you want?" Amber suddenly spoke out, her fire like voice cutting through the cold winter air, her breath was visible in the air making big puffs of cold clouds with each word.
"Urm- I don't know?" I say genuinely not knowing what she would want
"Well then let's talk" she turn to look at my face, her smile warmed me up inside but it was not enough to stop the numbness in my fingers.
"What about?"
"Anything, how you want the new house to be decorated? What job are you getting? Etc"
"I think we should go with a dark academia kinda style?" I answer the first question because I'm not to sure in the second
"That sounds awesome! And your job?" She pushes, Amber knows I don't know what I want, it's hard for me to get into anything anymore, I get distracted or fed up to quickly and I know if I actually get into it I will do some good work and enjoy it, but it's so hard to get into it.
"Urmm... I was thinking about- about... some kind of house decorating?" I like decorating houses, it's probably the only thing I don't get bored of, I know where everything should go and what style would suit which rooms and what colours would fit into rooms and where paintings should EXACTLY go on walls,
"That sounds great, you like doing that sort of stuff, you don't have to do it straight away though because your aunts have us covered" she giggled at herself which made me smile, I love her laugh, it's contagious.

"We should head home" Amber exclaims an hour or two later
"We need to decorate the house" she says pulling me up
"so you can finish your room and get on the dark academia look!" She seemed to vibrate with happiness as she said that, it's nice to see her like this.

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