Chapter 6- Overwhelmed

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TW: drug misuse, alcohol misuse, homophobia

Ambers POV
I had fallen asleep after the long silence after the slam, I don't usually fall asleep without me trying to, but tonight I did.
Beep beep
That was the fire alarm going off, I know exactly why it's going off, I can smell it, so there is no need to panic, I slowly wandered down the stairs,
"Come get it you stupid gay t-" I couldn't hear mum finish her sentence as I was close to the fire alarm to hear anything else, as my ears bled I looked around for something to stop the alarm going off, after rummaging through cigarette buts and lighters that have seen much better days I found a cloth and I started to shake it in-front of the alarm until it stoped.
"About time" I heard my mum groan from the living room
"Come in here" she said in her creaky voice, it seemed worse than usual, like she had smoked more, if that was possible. I did as I was told and dragged myself into the room, I was instantly hit with a powerful scent of weed and smoke, and it smelt much more than all the other days,
"What do you want?" I ask her, her eyes were bloodshot and her cheeks were soaked, like she had been crying,
"Your farther came yesterday" she said taking a big puff of her cig in her hand,
"I could hear" I say bluntly, I dusted off whatever was on the sofa and sat down
"He wanted to see you" she said looking at me as if I had something she wanted
"I want to see him too" I say, it was true, I missed him so much, he was responsible and didn't hate me for who I was, the room had fallen silent at my comment, Mum hated Dad but not because she hated him ,because she missed him, Dad left Mum and she never got over that, I don't think she ever will
"Where had my girl gone?" She said, her eyes brimmed with tears,
"I miss the girl who loved me more than anything, why did that change Amber?" She weeped
"And I miss my mum" I didn't think, the words just slipped from my mouth, I knew what I just said would break her but there was nothing to be done, I had said it
"Oh....I see" she said, she looked down at the side of her seat and looked at the many empty bottles of gin and wine and cider, she reached done for a half full bottle of wine and brought it to her mouth and tipped it, the red liquid disappeared like a vanishing act in the matter of seconds
"Get out" she said after awhile
"And go where?" I ask my eyes dart from the bottle to her
"Anywhere but here! Pack your bags! get out! NOW!" Her hand gripped the bottle tighter but I wasn't going in so easy
"Why should I!" I ask
"There is no reason for me to leave, just because you can't get your life together because of ONE MAN doesn't mean you have to take it out one me!" I blurt, I watch as what I had feared began to happen, she raised the wine bottle over her head and flung it at full force at me, I dived away from it, and did the first thing that came to mind, run, up into my room, grab my stuff and escape through the window. I gathered all I needed and clambered out my bedroom window, and pelted, full force, towards the woods, me and Mar's favourite place.

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