Chapter 25- 'I love you' (the end, until i make the sequel or something)

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Ambers POV

Oh my god! Oh my god! They kissed me! I thought it would never happen, but I have to stay cool! Cant. Look. To. Desperate.

"Your a good kisser" I wink at them, I was still very close to their face but not uncomfortably close
"Am-am I?" They stutter as they look around nervously
"Why do you look so nervous sweetheart?" I place my hand gently on their shoulders and look them in the eyes, was it a joke? Was I being stupid and too forward?
"I ju-just thought you wouldn't like me and I didn't think this would happen and I just...just..." they began to look into my eyes again, we became lost in each other again.

A few minutes had passed and I had finally gotten off of Mars and we had talked about what our status was now anddddd! We are officially dating! I was buzzing with excitement and couldn't stop smiling as we clambered down the elder tree, this was the best thing ever!

As we reached the house Mars suddenly grabbed me by the waist and pulled me in, making me topple backwards but I think that was the plan as they caught me and kissed me againnnnnnn!
"I love you" they said when they stopped and opened the door, I was in a daze but had the strength to conger up
"I love you too" the words slipped out my mouth like a knife through butter, I suddenly felt so much better, my mind began to ease as it realised I didn't have to keep that a secret anymore, they was mine, and I was theirs.

Thank you for reading

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