Chapter 21- Bedtime story

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Ambers POV

IM SUCH AN IDIOT! I almost KISSED them! Oh god why did I do thattttt!
I closed the door behind me and went upstairs to get into my pjs which was an old black T-shirt and joggers and Mars came out there room with a Dino wanzi
"You look cute" I say without thinking
"Why thank you" they do a twirl, phew, they didn't take my compliment seriously.
"Wanna watch a movie, I could get the popcorn going?"
"And ice cream?" I beg
"Of course" they look at me as if it were obvious that we would have ice cream
"I'm in, I'll pick out a movie!" I know exactly what I want to watch
"You pick one out while I do that then" and the plod down the steps with me behind them.

I was typing into the search bar on Netflix, 'instint fami'... instint? 'Instant family' I try again and up it pops, I didn't really want to watch it, I just wanted an excuse to cuddle up with Mars while I eat ice cream.

"Here ya go" Mars passes me a tray of; freshly popped salted popcorn, chocolate bars, crisps, ice cream and Fanta
"You don't have to eat it all and if you do we can go on a big run tomorrow morning" they wink at me and I start the movie up, I ever so slightly move closer to Mars every couple minutes, until I'm just lying on them and eating bits of popcorn.
"You comfy there huh?" They say near the end of the movie, at this point I am fully slumped on them
"Yesh" I mumbled to them as I watched the credits roll
"Well nows the time you get up and go bed" they move slightly but then stop
"Unless you want to sleep down here?" They said looking at me
"No I will go up" i say unenthusiastically and I shuffle up the stairs dramatically, I plonk myself onto bed with a big thud and cover myself in covers and blankets.

After a few moments I hear Mars come in and plonk themselves next to me, I pretend to be asleep
"You asleep?" They shook me slightly but I stayed like I was sleeping, but unfortunately I'm very bad at acting and start to giggle,
"Want me to read to you?" Mars says playfully as they get under the covers with me, I can feel their leg touch mine
"Yes please" I turn to them and wait for them to start
"Once upon a time there was a lovely girl and that lovely girl had many pets like; a ferret, a bird, a dog, a cat-" they continued on and on and on, I knew what they were doing, they were just going to do this until I fell asleep well guess what! I'm not gonna fall asle-
And the I proceeded to fall asleep.

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