Chapter 24- Dont hate me...

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Mars POV

Being up there was so calming, it made me feel confident. I felt I could do anything, thoughts raced into my mind, I hadn't been confident in ages so I had to do something big.

As things went in and out my brain I suddenly stopped at one particular thought. Kiss her. What!? No! Come on, you know you want to, the voice got louder but I could ignore it mostly.

I stare at her, which isn't the best idea, she is staring into the clouds, outlining them with her fingers. I don't blame her, the clouds were beautiful today, they were pink fading into a soft light blue, they looked as if they were going to melt into the sky like Cotten candy in your mouth. Mouth, kiss her, I heard my brain say, shut up!

Desperately trying to distract myself from the louder growing voice I glance around the place. The trees below! They had a slightly paler brown to them than the ones up here and they had more normal looking trunks, unlike the elder tree. I don't know about Amber but it felt comforting to be up so high. Amber, kiss her! It yelled at me, this isn't happening, I can't!

I look down at myself, my grandma used to say that if you want to take your mind off something you must look at yourself. I stare down at my fingers, they are coco brown, I mean I would be slightly concerned if my skin changed colour, I close my eyes and image myself in someone else's view, green eyes, curly black hair, freckles scattered everywhere, grunge clothes... who was seeing me? KISS HER! It won't stop! I open my eyes abruptly and look around once again but the only thing left is her, I had no other choice.

I look at her, not weirdly or anything, just like I was gazing behind her. Amber has long blonde hair and extremely fair skin, she mostly wore academic aesthetic clothes or soft girl aesthetic clothes, but on lazy days like these she wore hoodies and sweaters. Her favourite flowers are daisies and her favourite perfume was angel, she painted almost everything she owns and likes undertale. Amber was... beautiful


"Amber" I say
"Ye?" She answers turning to me
"Don't hate me" I say quickly and did what I thought I would never do, kiss her.

It lasted for about 15 seconds and then she pulled away. I knew it, she would never like me, what was I thinking!
"I-I'm so sorry I didn't think, you can keep the house and I'll just mov-" I was stopped abruptly by Amber kissing me back, what! Why! She pulled me closer to her, until she was sitting on my legs and she was on my knees a still kissing me. Until she finally stopped and looked me deep in the eye and said
"I have waited for that moment for so long" she let go of me and hugged me tightly, and I hugged her back.


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