Chapter 17- Lyrics on the walls

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Ambers POV

I woke up to having my arms wrapped around Mars chest, I felt my cheeks instantly flush red but I kept holding onto them, i wanted this moment to last forever... but they will never like me. I tilted my head slightly so I could read the quotes on the wall, one particular quote stood out to me it was a quote that's they had made themselves
"What if i like you for who you are and not who you f**king want to be"- Mars Atchi, there were many of these dotted around, they kept saying they were writing a song and I think this was some of the work,
"Stop constantly biting my a** just because your not perfect"-Mars Atchi
"I'm sick and tired of your expectations"
"Life's a jerk and you are worse"
"I'll f**king kill you whole family before I can fix her" they got more scribbled as it went on, cutely chaotic, just like them.

Mars began to stir and open there eyes so I quickly pretended to still be asleep, but it was to late they had seen me awake so they began to tickle me,
"St-stop it hahha" I laugh
"NEVER YOU FAKER!" They said with a devilish grin
"Ahhhh pl-please hel-p!" I scream out, they were getting me in my most tickley spot, the bit between the ribs and the hips, I don't know the word for it but it tickled a lot. I suddenly grabbed their sides and began to tickle them as well, making them fall on top of me and make our faces extremely close together, blushing furiously I get them of me and sit up in bed, I tried to make it look like I wasn't bothered by it but my cheeks said other wise.

"What should we have for breakfast?" Mars said as we started to get off the bed
"Urmmm, what about a pancake?" I ask nervously, I needed to start eating now, which is reliving in some ways, but I didn't want to be fat, but that's what Mars was helping me do now.

After I had actually eaten the pancakes I felt full for the first time in ages.
"Should we start decorating this living room then?" Mars suggested after cleaning the dishes in the sink
"Of course we should" I say enthusiastically jumping up from my seat,
"I'll get the paint" I exclaim as I rush off to grab several different coloured paints.

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