Chapter 8- Leaving

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Narrators POV

As Mars and Amber sat down with their slices of pie they heard the door open and shut, and the sound of boots clunking in the hallway and claws clanking on the floor all of this was then followed by
"BABEEEEEEE!" Screamed Anna as she ran towards the front door
"Hun, I was gone for like five minutes?" Sam giggled at how happy Anna always was to see her
"It felt like a million years" she said hugging Sam as tight as she could
"Haha, where's the kids" she said looking around the hallway to spot any signs of them
"We are in here aunty Sam!" Said Mars very loudly, Chester ran into the kitchen at full speed which ended with him face into the floor but he didn't mind and got straight back up to greet the two people that he had heard.

"There they are!" Sammy said walking in giggling at the fool of a pet they had,
"You guys exited to own your own house?" She said looking at them both with gleaming eyes
"All by yourself, but don't worry we will pay until you get good enough jobs AND we will make sure that the family NEVER finds out" said aunt Anna following Sammy into the room
"We more than ready" Amber says laughing
"Thank you for this, we mean it" Mars said looking at both her aunts, they both smiled in return
"You have everything you need and we will drop food or whatever you need off here every Saturday, alright?" Sam smiled
"Yep" Amber said through mouthfuls of pie
"This is so gooddddddd"
"Alrighty then... we should be off, enjoy yourself niños" Anna said picking up Chester,
"Be safe" they both said walking towards the door
"And if you need us, you have our number" they said and with that, the door opened and then shut with a loud vibrating bang, this was it, they had a whole house to themselves.

Amber grabbed both the empty plates that her and Mars had been eating off and placed them in the dish washer,
"Your aunties are so nice for doing this" she exclaimed leaning back onto the Kitchen table
"They would do anything to keep me away from my mum" Mars said turning to look at her, suddenly Amber squinted her eyes at Mars as if she where examining them
"What's that in my face?" She tilted her head to the side, as if it would make more sense from the side
"N-nothing" Mars stuttered they wanted to look away but they where frozen with guilt why didn't I tell her?! They thought
"It looks like something" Amber started to walk towards Mars to look at them closely, she grabbed their face and tilted it towards the light, her face became closer and closer to Mars
"It's a cut?" She asked confused
" did- did they-?"
"I' sorry, I shouldn't have said anything" Amber backed away, scared that she had hurt Mars in any way. There was a long silence, it wasn't considered awkward or uncomfortable, it was just sad and filled with regret.

"Aren't we supposed to be picking bedrooms?" Mars said
"There More than one bedroom?!"
"Of course did you think we would sleep in the same room?" Giggled Mars,
"N-no" Amber stuttered but she still had a smile on her face
"I'll race you!" Said Mars getting up out there chair and sprinting for the stairs
"NO I AM!"

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