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Authors Note: This book I think truly sucks... I plan on editing it I may be expanding a few chapters and adding a bit more detail so if something is confusing to you, I'm truly sorry....


As I roamed the empty aisles of the store called Big Sp!t, it seemed a little quiet. From what it looked like, it hasn't been evaded in a while so no one must be around. Maybe a few small things were missing but it most likely looked stocked.

I was grabbing anything that may come in handy, that I was able to carry anyways and setting it nicely next to my pack which wasn't too big.

As I continued looking around I spotted something lying next to the wine cellar. I quickly shuffled my feet closer to get a better look.

"Nice!" I said quietly finding a mid-condition bow with a few arrows by a walker body, poor guy he looks so miserable.

After examining the bow noticing it was barely used I threw it over my shoulder, continuing my search for anything that may be of use to me either now or in the future. I grabbed a lot of canned foods since I haven't eaten in a while, 6 water bottles that I could refill if I needed to, and scoring with a pack of stale M&Ms, yeah they may be stale but it's chocolate. You can't find chocolate very often anymore.

I continued looking at each shelf examining each thing, when I heard the groans of a walker coming around the other aisle. I quickly reached for the bow that I just picked up that was over my shoulder aiming the ready arrow towards the walkers head. As soon as the dead guy turned his head towards me, I shot causing it to fall on its back with a thud. I smirked walking over to the skin eater, stepping on its face pulling out my arrow. I wiped the Walker blood on my pants then continued checking the rest of the store, making sure I was 'alone' after all.

Once I checked to make sure the store was clear of any remaining walkers I opened my pack putting in the canned foods, water bottles, and the M&Ms inside.

I then clipped my bag shut jogging to the window checking the outside to see if it was safe. Noticing nothing was nearby I decided to exit, I walked to the big doors pulling them open slowly trying not to make any noise, but when I stepped out, a herd of walkers started roaming towards me coming from my right side fast.

I quickly grabbed my pocket knife stabbing any that got close to me in the head, thinking it might be best if I didn't use the bow I found since the walkers were so close to me.

I tried to run, but it was too late. The walkers were surrounding me from each side, in order for me to get out of this I needed to fight.

I slashed my pocket knife around trying to get as many in the head as I could. But they kept getting closer coming from every angle, it seemed as if they were multiplying.


Walker blood and many bodies' laid around me. I stood painting from killing all the walkers that now laid at rest. I tried walking away but I must have pushed myself to my limits I was weak, fragile.

I need to find that place.

I have to survive.

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