Chapter I: Broken Wings

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Author's Note: Hello friends! I hope you are as excited as I am to start this new journey with me. I'm so excited to share this new story with you all! Please be warned as I said in the description that this story will cover manga spoilers!!! Also, this chapter gives hints at Y/N's quirk, but don't worry! It will be fully explained in the next chapter. Thanks for joining me on this new journey! I hope you all enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing! <3

"I should be glad of loneliness
And hours that go on broken wings,
A thirsty body, a tired heart
And the unchanging ache of things,
If I could make a single song
As lovely and as full of light,
As hushed and brief as a falling star
On a winter night."

(Sara Teasdale) 

Even before quirks manifested themselves on earth, humans have always longed for the ability to fly-- the ability to quickly leave behind all their worries and escape into the freedom of the sky. 

Never thinking it was possible, humans did their best to imitate the ability to fly as close as they could. Airplanes were built, paragliding and skydiving became a viable activity-- though humans couldn't grow wings, they did their best to reach the sky as often as possible-- that was until around the year 2060 when the first human with a quirk was born. Suddenly the impossible was possible-- children were born with many different types of quirks, one of those being the ability to fly. Humans were no longer constrained to the ground-- no longer constrained by that which made them human. Thus a super hero society was born.

However along with heroes, villains also began to appear. There were those who used their quirks to save others, those who used them to hurt, and those who had measly quirks that barely changed their existence. Others remained quirkless-- a trait that is seen as disgraceful and pitiful in the world's current society. Life became a constant battle-- between heroes, villains, and the quirkless who were looked down on. The world thus became a society that ran upon the existence of villains and the heroes who tried to stop them. 

"Heroes and villains-- is there really a difference between the two?"

Y/N mumbled to herself as she looked down at the lights of the city of Fukuoka below her. Sitting on the ledge of one of the taller buildings in the city, her legs casually swung over the side. Her eyes were trained on the flashing lights below-- the city still fairly busy despite it being nearly 1am. Y/N pulled the strings of her black hoodie tighter, shielding her face from the windy night. 

At this time at night the usual famous heroes were asleep, not bothering to roam the streets unless they had the light of day helping them to shine in all their glory for their adoring fans. This was the time where villains roamed the streets, or those like herself who don't identify with either side-- those who hate the world they live in.

Y/N chuckled sadly to herself as she scooted closer to the edge, an inch more and she'd be falling to her death-- no hero to save her, a meaningless life forgotten to the world. The only thing keeping her from falling were her hands that tightly gripped the edge of the ledge in fear. When she was younger, heights were where she thrived-- the golden wings caused by her quirk being a constant reassurance that if she fell, she could always just fly away. 

At the thought of her wings, Y/N groaned softly in pain, the bindings taped tightly around her chest pressing against the fresh wings that had begun growing again. No matter how she destroyed her wings each morning, they always grew back at night to no avail. 

I guess I'll have to cut them again in the morning. 

Y/N shivered at the thought of the pain to come, but the sight of her own wings brought nothing but anger for what she had left behind, pain for what they had caused her life to become-- she couldn't fly even if she wanted to, the memories from the past binding her to the ground where she'll never be free.

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