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"Are you blind too?" A voice bellowed and Mimi raised her head to look at the person.

She took in the look of the dark skinned guy in front of her, he had big ears that complimented his small head, his mouth was so small that it was somehow unnoticeable, he…

"Oh now, you're even ogling me?" He said with an air of pride and Mimi rolled her eyes, she attempted to walk away from him, but he pulled her back.

"Can't you hear me or are you deaf again?" He queried and she eyed him.

"Kingsley, leave the poor girl alone, it's still her first day, stop bullying her," Chidera shouted, and he turned to her with a small smile, if it was someone else he would have flared up but it was Dera, the girl he'd been chasing for years now, and she had strong effects on him.

"Sure," he walked away from Mimi who glared at his retreating figure before continuing her walk, she dropped her bag on the seat beside Chidera.

"Hi, I'm Chidera but I prefer Dera, welcome to Maple," she introduced with a cool smile and Mimi nodded.

"Anyway, this is Tife's seat, and she'll soon be in school, I hope your seat arrives quickly," she said before standing up.

Mimi cast her a questioning look, and she understood quickly, " I'm craving for sweet things, I need to go to the tuck shop."

Mimi nodded and Dera sauntered out of the class swaying her wide hips that complimented her almost non-existent bum but with her blazer covering her bum, her hips was protruding.

Mimi's eyes scanned through the wide class painted in blue and white, the whole school buildings were painted in blue and white, her eyes went over to the girls at her front who were speaking loudly discussing their midterm breaks and the new things they bought, then to the other row that contained five seats, the class had four rows with five seats in each making the students twenty.

Her eyes rested on Christy and her friend before Lola's appearance covered her view. Lola quickly sat down on Dera's chair.

"Wow, this is a dream come true," she started and Mimi pursed her lips.

"Do you know Christy is a dancer? I just remembered her now, that girl is so popular on Instagram and you see that her, cousin, Mirabel, she's a model, she so popular on Instagram too, gosh, those girls are…" Her voice trailed off as she sighted a white girl walk into the class.

Lola grabbed Mimi's shoulders as she stopped herself from screaming, "Gosh, that girl is an actress, I can't believe she attends this school, you remember…"

She knew Mimi wouldn't remember the film so far she didn't watch it with them, she noticed the uninterested look Mimi gave her, if only Fara was here, it would be so nice, she had to inform Fara quickly. Lola got up quickly as she decided to go call Fara but a tiny voice stopped her.

"Who owns this filthy trash?" Clarissa shouted as she stared at Lola's bag with contempt.

"It's mine," Lola replied as she walked up to Clarissa.

"And who are you? Why is this here?" She eyed Lola warily.


Rissa raised her palm, "Save it, Benita, get this trash off my seat," she ordered and the Benita who was always trying to please Rissa and her friends- Christy and Mirabel- to join the group of the popular girls in Maple scrambled up from her seat and then dropped Lola's bag on the floor.

Lola picked up her bag before glaring at the Benita, she hissed and then walked back to Mimi's seat.

"I can't believe that girl is like that but maybe she doesn't like people intruding her privacy, you know, but I still like her though, I'll befriend her."

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