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It was Tuesday, the second day of their work at the creche, he hadn't tried anything funny since they started working and she hoped it'll remain like that.

After bading Tife and Dera bye, she headed towards the primary school which was somehow far from the secondary school, the school was still full so, she wasn't afraid of walking alone.

"Heading to the school?" She heard Christian's voice ask and she whipped her head towards him before nodding.

"I presume you have interest in Arts?" He asked the obvious and she nodded while wondering why he was talking to her.

The feel of an arm around her shoulder made her jerk away instantly and she stepped on Christian who glared at her. She gave him an apologetic look before he walked away.

She glowered at her group partner and he opened his palms widely with raised arms, "What's wrong?" He made to pull her closer but she increased her pace quickly to meet up with Christian.

At least if she was beside him, the idiot wouldn't try any nonsense with her, Christian glanced at her and she formed a thin smile.

"Hi Christian," he greeted and Christian nodded.

"Hi Alex," he replied and Alex smiled.

"Heading to the nursery School?" Alex asked.

"Obviously," he walked away and Mimi quickly walked in his pace
while he walked behind them, on getting to the school, Christian branched to his assigned place while Mimi entered the Creche.

"I practically did all the work yesterday," he started with a mischievous smile as he used his leg to close the door behind him.

Mimi rolled her eyes before heading to where they kept the paints and the brush.

She picked the brush and he collected it from her, "Just sit down, I'll do it."

Mimi ignored him before walking to the part they were painting.

"What designs should we do on it?" He whispered into her ears and she moved away quickly.

Alex creased his brows," Are you afraid of me?"

She stared at him without any hint of response.

"Gosh, Mimi, you don't have to be scared of me, I like you and I can't possibly hurt you," he assured before turning to the wall.

He turned back to her again and she pursed her lips, "You know I've liked you since the day you came to our school," he moved closer to her and she stepped back quickly.

"Why are you running away from me? you're making me look like a bad person," he inched closer to her and she stepped back yet again.

He looked straight into her eyes and she cowered, "Stop being scared of me, you hear," he smiled before continuing, "I wonder how your lips would taste," he touched her face and she slapped his hand away quickly.

He frowned at her, "Okay, I get, Mimisola, will you be my girlfriend?" He continued moving closer to her while she kept on stepping back.

He slapped his hand on his forehead, "Oh, I've forgotten you can't talk, I'll wait till tomorrow for your response, you know I'm doing you a favor, no one would have interest in a mute person," he smirked as his hand trailed her face, she slapped his hand away in disgust before glaring at him.

"What's wrong with you?" He bellowed before staring intensely at her, she hated the dangerous look he was giving her and the fact that they were the only persons in the classroom didn't help matter at all.

"What's bad in wanting you?" He queried quietly as he lowered his head with a smirk, Mimi squeezed her eyes shut, she opened it and met his intense gaze.

"You're so difficult," he sighed before moving away from her. Mimi used the opportunity to open the door, she slammed the door on his face and ran out hurriedly.

She looked back and realized he was following her, wanting to increase her pace, she banged smack with someone. Mimi closed her eyes abruptly before opening it slowly, her eyes met with Christian's curious look, looking back, she realized Alex was no where to be found then she heaved a sigh of relief.

"I can't see anything chasing you, so, why were you running?" Christian queried curiously and she placed her hand on her chest.

He walked away while she followed him, it was better she followed him other than staying in the same place with that monster, she knew he was going back to where he was assigned to and his partner would surely be there so, staying with them would be the best option.

"Aren't you going your way?" Christian inquired as he opened the door to the Kindergarten. She shook her head in response and he gave her a questioning look before a girl's head popped out of the class. Mimi quickly recognized her to be Inaya, apparently, she was his partner.

"Hey," Inaya waved at her with a sheepish smile, she waved in return before Christian entered and she quickly followed suit.

Inaya glanced at Christian before closing the door, "You're Alex partner right?" She turned to Mimi who nodded in response.

"You should be at the creche then? Why are you here?"

Mimi sighed before bringing out her jotter.

Can I just stay here for some minutes? I don't want to go back there.

Inaya glanced at Christian who was now focused on his painting.

"Why? Is something wrong?"

She noticed the pleading look Mimi gave her, so, she just nodded in response before walking over to join Christian.

Mimi heaved a sigh of relief as she tried so hard not to remember what went down earlier, at this rate, she wouldn't show up at the creche throughout the week and would surely fail the exams so far the project was thirty percent, she'd failed the test that was twenty percent and she wasn't sure about acing the exams.

She shook her head in an attempt to clear her head, then she looked at Christian who was concentrating on his painting even though Inaya kept on disturbing him.

Couple of minutes later, while Inaya kept on disturbing Christian, a call came in and he brought out his phone from his pocket, looking at the caller ID a smile graced his lips but it soon disappeared when he heard what Lisha had to say to him.

"What! Mummy, why can't their driver come?" He squeezed his face while glancing at Mimi who fixed her eyes on him.

"There's no reason for that, you're both coming to the same place whereas your driver is almost at your school," he heard his mother say from the other end and he groaned.

"But, Mummy, she..."

Lisha cut in, "That's all, bye," then she hung up on him.

He sighed in frustration.

"What's wrong?" Inaya inquired and he turned to Mimi.

"Mummy wants you to come with me, your driver won't be coming," he announced and Mimi nodded.

Minutes later, he was done with the paintings and they left the class, she caught a glimpse of Alex and quickly moved closer to Inaya who was telling Christian something.

After bading Inaya bye, they both entered Christian's car. The drive home was a rather silent one as Christian only inserted his ear piece into his ears while Mimi wallowed in her thoughts.

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