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Just like that, three days went by and school resumed. Mimi got down from the car, looked around her surroundings and inhaled, she had mixed feelings about the resumption but looking at the brighter side, she would get to see Tife and Dera whom she'd missed so much.

"Mimi," someone screamed. Mimi needed no one tell her it was Dera.

She turned back swiftly only to come in contact with Dera's pretty face before Dera drew her in for a bone crushing hug.

"Damn, I so much missed you," she uttered and Mimi smiled before they both headed to the class.

On getting to the class, it was somehow rowdy and students kept on sharing their experience during the break, they walked towards their seat and Tife who had been in class before then jumped on them immediately she sighted them.

"I missed you guys a whole lot," she confessed with a grin.

"We missed you too," Dera replied and they laughed before settling down.

"So, how was the break?" Tife turned to Mimi, "I tried reaching you but your phone wasn't reachable, I even tested you on WhatsApp but you didn't reply..."

"Same here too oo, what happened?" Dera chipped in.

Mimi removed her pen and jotter from her pocket

I lost my phone

She lied. Truth is she'd intentionally uninstalled her WhatsApp and switched off her phone most times because of Alex's disturbance.

"Oh, I hope you've gotten a new one?" Tife questioned and Mimi nodded.

"So, how was the break? I hope you guys enjoyed it because I enjoyed mine oo," Dera flipped her hair.

Tife wriggled her brows, " Hmm, Dera, tell me something I don't know."

Dera chuckled before readjusting her sitting position, "So, guys, you won't believe this?" She glanced at Mimi and Tife who were more than attentive to her.

"Believe what oo?"

Dera grinned.

"Hmm, this one that you're grinning yii," Tife teased.

"Oh, I've got to grin, can you believe I came across my crush in the States?"

Tife and Mimi exchanged looks.

"Really?" Tife asked in amusement.

Dera bobbed her head, "Yeah and our holiday house is just beside each other, I wonder how he even noticed me, the first time we met and he mentioned my name, I almost fainted."

"Typical you," Tife commented.

"We literally spent the whole break together, we became more close till he confessed his feelings to me."

"He did?" Tife asked in surprise as Mimi's eyes widened.

Dera cocked her head, "Yeah, he did, we are officially a couple."

"Awwwn, since when?" Tife cooed.

"Since last week, gosh, he's so sweet and everything," Dera gushed.

Mimi rolled her eyes while Tife smirked. They went on discussing about how they spent their break till Miss Miracle sauntered in.


"Hey babe," the most irritating voice she didn't want to hear whispered into her ears and she shuddered.

Looking around her surroundings, she felt self conscious, for goodness sake, why didn't she have any interest in Dera's new found boyfriend? Why didn't she go with them to visit him? Why did she tell them to go ahead? Now she was left alone with this monster.

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