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Anyone looking from the other side would think Mimi was listening to Cherry's chatter but her mind was far away, she was only looking at Cherry but her mind wasn't there but rather in some other place. 

"We are there," the driver announced and that snapped Mimi out of her trance, she looked around only to realize they were now in the hospital, to her, it looked like they left home just a minute ago when in fact the drive to the hospital was half an hour.

"Come down," Lisha instructed and Mimi did as told, while she joined her mother, Cherry went to her mother too and they all strode into the hospital.

Mimi hated everything about hospital but she had no choice, looking around the hospital, she tried so hard to process its beauty, looks and everything but she couldn't.

"I'll see the doctor first," Lisha announced.

"Okay then," Sindara nodded before Lisha walked away with Cherry.

"Are you okay?" Sindara turned to her daughter.

Mimi forced a smile that was obvious to Sindara as she nodded in response.

"I know there's something wrong, is it the hospital? But you've been somehow down since you got back from school yesterday, did something happen in school?"

Mimi stared at her mother for some seconds before shaking her head.

"I hope everything is fine, if anything is wrong, I'm always here for you oo," Sindara assured and Mimi nodded.

Couple of minutes later, Lisha and Cherry got back.

"She can see the doctor now, let's go," Lisha said before they followed her.

Walking into the big office that was almost the size of Mimi's room, the pretty doctor welcomed them as she offered Mimi a seat in front of her and the others stayed behind.

After questioning Sindara and Mimi for some minutes, she decided Mimi would start seeing a therapist so far her condition could somehow be likened to a psychological problem.

They left the hospital minutes later after agreeing on Mimi's appointment with a therapist.

"You were talking about wanting to work, I'll show you all our workplace and you'll decide on the one that best suits you," Lisha turned to Sindara after instructing the driver on where to drive to.

"Oh okay," she bobbed her head.

Couple of minutes later, they arrived at MAPLE fashion industry and Lisha took pleasure in touring them around.

"This is my workplace, I'm sure you've heard of Maple, my husband is the CEO and I'm a fashion designer here," Lisha explained and Sindara stared in awe.

This time Mimi's mind didn't drift away because she had interest in MAPLE fashion industry, she'd always loved fashion and seeing this somehow soothed her mind.

They left the fashion industry after some minutes and headed to the the textile industry.

"And this is MAPLE textile industry, I run this place most times but we have a manager, we make our textiles but sometimes export them too, main reason we have chalets in my house, it's for our business dealers, when they visit we don't want them staying at an hotel so they stay in the chalet," she explained and Sindara nodded while still admiring the whole place.

They left the textile industry for LISHA'S art gallery.

"And this is my husband's art gallery named after me because I literally pestered him to open an art gallery, his talent can't just go to a waste like that so, this place was conceived by me."

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