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"Did he talk today?" Lola rushed to her and Mimi shook her head before entering the house.

"Ahn, why?" Fara inquired and Mimi ignored them by strolling into her room. Since the previous day, Lisha had decided she comes home with Christian throughout the week and since then Fara and Lola had been pestering her if they engaged in any discussion.

Mimi slumped on her bed, she stayed in the same position for some minutes before Fara and Lola rushed in again asking her the same question.

Mimi knew they won't stop asking her and she had to clear her head, so, she changed into a short gown and  squeezed her way out of the house and headed to her favorite place in the house; the swimming pool.

Mimi turned back swiftly when she got to the pool and met Christian seated at the edge with his legs in the water.

"Hey," she heard him call but pretended not to as she walked away.

"Mimi," he called and she halted her walk. It was the first time he mentioned her name, she never knew he registered it.

She turned back to him and he waved at her.

"You came here to swim right?"

She nodded before walking up to him.

"I'm done here, you can use it," he said before getting up while Mimi stared at him, he didn't spare her a glance as he walked away while she stared at his retreating figure.

Out of sight, she sat by the edge of the pool for some minutes before diving into the pool.


Fara watched as her sister rolled on the bed with beads of sweats on her forehead, she arched her brows while wondering if she was having a bad dream or something, Mimi's scream brought her out of her assumptions as she flinched.

"Did you just scream?" Fara questioned in surprise while Mimi sat uprightly.

"Mimi, you just screamed?" A smile appeared on her face while Mimi only stared at her, she'd always been able to scream whenever she was having nightmares but Fara never noticed so far she always slept like wood, seeing her awake that time somehow surprised her.

"Mimi, are you okay? You're sweating? Did you have a bad dream?" Fara inquired with concern laced in her tone while Mimi bobbed her head.

"What happened? What's it about?"

Mimi picked up her pen

It's nothing to worry about, just go to bed.

"Are you sure?"

She nodded and Fara rubbed her shoulders before sliding under the coverlet, Mimi watched her close her eyes before sighing.

The nightmares had started again and it had been prompted by what happened earlier in the day. She had to go to the creche with Alex even though she didn't want to but Mrs Williams had informed them she would be visiting to check how far they'd gone with their project, Mimi had no other choice than to follow him.

Mrs Williams didn't come early and Alex kept on pestering her, it was when he wanted to kiss her forcefully that Mrs Williams appeared, now, she was getting more scared. Why must she be an object of abuse?

Tears rolled down her eyes as her mind went back to the memories she'd been trying to bury, she covered her mouth in order not to make noise before glancing at Fara who was fast asleep, sliding under the coverlet, she cried herself to sleep.


Christian was arranging his arts collection, the one to be exhibited on Sunday while humming to the music playing from his headset before Christy barged into his room.

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