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It's been a week since the tutorial class started and Mimi could say she'd been enjoying it so far, he'd made her exams so simple that she was certain she would never fail them, they'd gotten along pretty well and he didn't seem as aloof as she thought he was.

Mimi changed into a pink short gown as she'd just gotten back from the therapy, heading out of the room, Fara and Lola rushed to her.

"You're going to the mansion right?" Fara queried and Mimi nodded.

"Can we go with you? God, I'll do anything for him to tutor me too," Lola said and Mimi rolled her eyes, they'd been disturbing her about wanting to come with her since the first day when they found out he was helping her study. Even though they knew her answers would always be the same, they still kept on pestering her.

"Try to talk to him nah, just convince him," Lola whined and Mimi rolled her eyes before removing her hands from their grips.

She shook her head before walking out of the house while Fara and Lola hissed simultaneously.

Mimi walked to the mansion as she went straight to Christian's room only to realize he wasn't in the room, she wondered where he could be, the opening of the door interrupted her thoughts.

"Christian told me to tell you he's in the kitchen," Cherry announced with a smile and Mimi couldn't help but smile in return, her smile was so contagious, she'd always seen Cherry smile all the time and she wondered if she never had any worries.

She watched Cherry walk out of the room and decided to go to the kitchen but then she didn't know where it was situated, she knew it would be downstairs so, she descended the stairs while trying to remember where the dining was, the house was too big for her liking, she finally got to the dining room then she noticed a door opposite it, presuming it would be the kitchen, she walked into it and jaw dropped at the size of the kitchen.

Christian turned to her and she took in his looks, the apron wrapped around him made him look like a chef and she almost laughed at the thought of him ending up as a chef.

"Hey," Christian called and she walked up to him.

"I only told Cherry to tell you my whereabouts not bring you here," he said and Mimi smiled.

'She didn't bring me here, I came here on my own', She scribbled on her jotter and  Christian nodded.

"You should have stayed up, I'm almost done here," he told her and she smiled before looking at the Kitchen Island where he was slicing meat, he noticed the curious look on her face and he talked.

"I'm baking Meat pie."

She raised her brows before writing, 'Really? I didn't know you could bake'

"It's one of my numerous skills," he bragged and Mimi rolled her eyes while he chuckled.

"Actually, my mom taught me, she ensured we all learn how to cook and it's always by turn, it's her turn today actually, I just decided to bake this for our study session," he explained and she nodded in understanding.

"So, you can go back up," he told her and she shook her head before writing

'I'll stay, let me help you, I bake too'

He lifted his brows, "You bake too?"

She nodded.

"Well, if you insist, you can join me," he said and she smiled. They started the job together amidst conversations and laughter.

Lisha was surprised to see Christian laughing with a girl in the kitchen, one that wasn't Christy or Cherry.

"Hmmm, hmmm," Lisha cleared her throat and the previous occupants of the kitchen turned to her.

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